Archives For musings

I’m not particularly fond of Girls Generation, but I like them THEM – they’re funny. I ran into this compilation of everyone’s pointing out at each others’ sleeping habits… which, you know, they’re always interesting to find. That’s one of the reasons I strongly believe in cohabitation before marriage; it’s always good to know other people’s sleeping (and living) habits.

My family’s habits are probably a lot closer to Taeyeon’s. My mother and I speak in our sleep — my cousin told us that there was once we were all on the same room sleeping, my mother sneezed in her sleep, I told her “bless you” and she responded with a “thank you” without ever waking up. LOL

Then of course there’s the infamous time when I was visiting my cousin in Hawaii, and I was sleeping in her room. At that time I was surrounded by a lot of Korean friends in my daily life who would speak a lot of Korean among themselves. There was a point that it was so much Korean, that I started understanding words out of nowhere. Apparently, that night in my cousin’s house, I was speaking something unintelligible. That day I told her I had dreamed about my Korean friends. So what say you? Did I speak unintelligible Korean in my sleep?

What language do you guys dream in?

I usually dream in both Spanish and English — sometimes it gets wacky because friends that I would normally speak in English to start speaking Spanish in my dream. Then it all gets a little fuzzy. I’ve never had that happen backwards, though.

My Teenhood Crushes

April 16, 2013 — 1 Comment

I ran into this after a series of related links on websites.


“I never took the fame too seriously, it was a great period in my life, but it doesn’t define me.”

So I went down a bit on memory lane to think about my favorite guys.

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Acabo de recibir un correo de uno de los servicios de envío que he usado informándome que ahora tengo un límite de 3 envíos (o un equivalente de $1000USD) como persona natural gracias a nuevas regulaciones implementadas por la eficaz institución de Aduanas que tenemos en el Perú. Gracias, SUNAT, por hacerme la vida más fácil.


Ustedes siempre tan eficaces! Haciéndole la vida tan sencilla a las compañías que dan servicio de envíos por internet.

Express Mail Service FTW! $20USD no es nada si evito tener que lidiar con todos ustedes.

Writing nonsensical dramatic lines that may or not be grammatically correct? xD





As the years have gone by, especially the last two years considering my interest in music from Asia, I had noticed the age of my fandoms have been considerably dropping. However, it wasn’t until tonight — the world hasn’t ended, yo! But my world is crumbling! — that I keep realizing I don’t look my age and probably don’t act my age. I feel like a 40-year-old person when I talk, and I tend to get along with older people better than my own age group, but I look like I just got out of high school. LOL

I’m not really bothered by it, I vast in it. I’m just rather shocked at how this changes my perception of other people’s age.

From all the members on SunnyHill, only Janghyun is barely older than me. I’m super shocked Jubi (and Misung, if I may add) is a few months younger than me and that Kota is my cousin’s age; especially considering her look on Midnight Circus [1]. Also, Seung Ah. — Can you tell I’m just practicing their names so that I can finally learn them??? LOL

I honestly thought that Jubi (and all of them really) were well into their early 30s.

Then again, I also thought JeA was in her mid-30s and that Ga-In was the same age as her, Miryo and Narsha. Then I realized I have near 40-year-old friends and became just rather astonished and super depressed. LOL




Current post count on YAM Magazine :)

buffy season 8 xander female trio

I always had the suspicion that I was Xander, and this quote just proved it. Destiny’s Child, Shonen Knife and the Dixie Chicks- in one dialog bubble not on YAM Magazine. What else is next? S.H.E, TLC and Acha Tsendep (阿佳组合)? xD

Oct 9

Mandarin Ode to Vancouver Friends

So I had to write a small composition about my favorite city, so I picked Vancouver because it’s the only other city I can freely talk about. I wrote 130 characters — give or take — and made me realize just how much you can say on Weibo in 140 characters. Once I have a better handling of words, I might really do 140 Chinese characters music and movie reviews on there~

我的最喜欢城市是温哥华。 我曾经在那里学过图像设计和动画设计。
我一定对温哥华很熟悉比利马。 我很喜欢经常跟朋友们到处跑和照照片。

Mind you, this hasn’t been grammatically checked. xD

You know, I’m not currently a big fan of Helados D’Onofrio mainly because since the mid-90s, the company has been regurgitating the same type of ice cream over and over again. There’s only many ways you can mix vanilla and chocolate on a stick, you know?

Their brand has gotten stuck in a way that it only does combinations of chocolate, vanilla, lucuma [1], and a very cringe-worthy hot pink strawberry.

Then again, the same thing happens with snacks and sweets. There’s only so many ways you can mix chocolate cookies with vanilla cream, or vanilla cookies with an assorted arrays of creams (yes, once again: chocolate, lucuma, strawberry… but sometimes mint and if they’re feeling adventurous, peanut.).

But as with many things you grow up, you can’t hep but have a weakness for the memories it brings back. I do remember enjoying my chocolate Buen Humor, the chocolate-cookie-vanilla-ice-cream Sandwich, the fruity Eskimo, and as a little kid it was all about the Copa K-Bana (you know, as in “Copacabana”), and the Vasito (little cup) which was a tiny cup with a one-single flavor “scoop” — Yes, it was either chocolate, vanilla, lucuma or strawberry.

The Bombones (chocolate bonbons filled with vanilla ice cream), the Jet (chocolate covered vanilla ice cream on a stick), Frio Rico (cone with vanilla ice cream with scattered chocolate, which has developed in coffee or dark chocolate versions lately), and I clearly remember Huracan (“hurricane”, water-based orange or lemon ice-covered vanilla ice cream), which had that silly commercial of… what was it? A sumo wrestler (?) wondering if it was “an earthquake or hurricane” and when tasting the ice cream, he would scream “HURACAN!!!”

But the one thing that brings the most memories to me are the D’Onofrio men and women who would bike the city blowing their horns to the typical sound of Helados D’Onofrio.

As a developing nation, we have been trying to minimize the sounds of the city (because we’re a very noisy city). Lima is filled with signage asking drivers to not honks their cars, etc. because noises are bothersome. Small business have sprung, with families opening small bodegas where they sell an assortment of things, and you guessed it, ice cream. This is why, D’Onofrio sellers cannot always be found riding their bikes everywhere around town — except for some neighborhoods that remain relatively small — and when you have the luck to run into one (a picturesque sight that brings many memories), they don’t really use their horns any longer.

So ever since I read this post, equaling the sound of a D’Onofrio ice cream seller to “the death cry of an exotic bird,” I’ve been thinking about them. The hard work it must be riding around the city, under the sizzling and humid summer, seeing people passing by and knowing that they now compete with little bodegas who sell ice cream which are properly refrigerated.

I feel a bug of making a documentary about them, but I haven’t work on film for years now. I feel inadequate, but I feel the need to put this out there. Somebody must do something to remember all of this, because… as Osen would put it — it’s in danger of been swept away with the times.

So… halfway through my stay in Seoul and I’ve hardly seen much. In all honesty, we’ve been really tired jumping from one place to the other, so we’re taking this time to relax like we haven’t before…

Having said that, I’ve gotten the chance to meet up with friends that I haven’t had the chance to see in nearly six years, so it’s been definitely a nice experience — warm, despite the bizarre Seoul weather that’s greeted us, which includes a full day of rain (bus water splashing included), sunny mornings with scattered snow, and loads of icy wind which have contributed with my broken throat and runny nose.


I know I always talk about how I miss Vancouver and my friends, but my meeting with them has made me realize how much I miss hanging out with them over simple cups of coffee and snacks.

Of course, walking alone in Seoul through the streets and using public transportation made me think of that person. LOL So many people remind me of that person xD