I was reading AfterElton’s Best Gay Week Ever column, and thought the “ass hat” of the week nominee has to be a true ass hat, so I decided to post. This Ass Hat of the week nomination is brought to you by the National Organization for Marriage.
It turns out NOM (for short) had been holding a Tour for Marriage… to er… protest gay marriage. It’s sort of a parade against gay marriage, so pro-gay marriage protesters showed up to protest their protest. LOL In the video, a woman talks about how these protesters — packed with their rainbow-colored umbrellas — didn’t back off and intimidated her and her… er… playful kids.
It’s actually not this woman’s fault to actually spew what she is actually saying. But come on, NOM people~ You really watched this footage and said, “Yes, this video will support our cause protesting gay marriage”? You cut this video together and said “Yes, gay people are intimidating us with their lifestyle”? It’s a bunch of people with rainbow-colored umbrellas (Don’t Rain on my Parade!) and hearts on their t-shirts.
Watch and listen to the video below. It is a real video and not a joke.