Archives For ellen page

Okay, I took a WHOLE lot more time on getting names for this list, because apparently I am not knowledgeable enough in female actresses and well singers from Asia as I first though… also made their annual list of Hot 100 2010 [as well as Top Women of Color, Top Out Women, Top Women over 40], only they made it backwards, so I’m linking you to their last page, and you’re going to have to work your way backwards… Ovbiously, I thought AfterElton worked better because I took the time to look through it more than once to make sure I wasn’t missing anyone.

Tips for a better list for AfterEllen:

  • Start from #100
  • Point out with arrows who’s going up or down in positions, and who’s a new entry.

And really? No Asians on your list?

Not that I don’t appreciate the likes of Alicia Keys, Jennifer Beals, Cate Blanchett, Julianne Moore, Anne Hathaway, Natalie Portman, the girls from Glee (Cheerios plus Rachel, woah that’s bizarre xD), Meryl (who doesn’t need a last name), Rachel Weisz, Amanda Seyfried (even though the things that are coming out of her mouth lately), Christina Hendricks, Tina Fey, Penelope Cruz, Jodie Foster, Rachel McAdams, the whole cast of The L Word… right? Pink, Emily Blunt, Kate Winslet, Ellen Page, all whom often make appearances on this blog. And to top it with Olivia Wilde…

but then again… no Asians?

So me, barely scraping made a list of Top East-Asians that you might want to consider for future editions of your Hot 100. I would also offer a weekly/monthly (a la my AfterElton offer), but I don’t think I’m as knowledgeable in this area. I could try pimping Asian talents on a monthly basis if you want xD

Okay… once again, in no particular order.

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And since we’re talking about remakes of Swedish films, how about an article that says every of-the-moment actress in Hollywood wants to get a Dragon Tattoo. At least according to a post by Deadline.

Every hot young actress in Hollywood wants to play the lead in Sony Pictures’ The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. But will director David Fincher cast one of them — or go with an unknown?

Sony execs insist they’re “nowhere near casting”. But Mulligan, Page, Kristen Stewart, Mia Wasikowska, Natalie Portman, Keira Knightley, Anne Hathaway, Olivia Thirlby, and Scarlett Johannsen are all circling.

You know what I think of Mulligan, Page, and Portman as Lisbeth, but what about the others? Well, about Stewart, I am not convinced about her acting, plus she still has Twilight commitments, meaning she wouldn’t be able to toughen up for the role because… well, then Bella would be all able to kick Edward’s ass. Plus, another series after a series? I don’t think it would be smart as an actress. She should keep it open for a while.

Wasikowska never ever crossed my mind as Lisbeth, she’s so delicate so she would also need to toughen up, and I mean it in the way she needs to gain a little more weight to get some muscle there. But she certainly fits the cute and tiny bill. And please! Keira Knightley is a total pass. WAY too skinny, and she’s not able (according to her) to gain weight, so she wouldn’t be able to get that bad-ass look down. Plus her eyes are dull.

Anne Hathaway is too old, and not the right body type, as is Johansson. Plus, she is known for her curvy body, would she lose that in order to get a bad-ass muscle body? As for Olivia Thirlby, I kinda liked that. She’s not really mainstream… but there’s also the thing about the bad-ass.

And wait for it, wait for it…

On the other hand, they think the male lead does require a star, and the studio is waiting for an answer from Brad Pitt.

Say what? I like Brad and all, but this is exactly what Lainey said would happen.

Can I just say Noomi Rapace is really REALLY bad-ass?

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There’s a new list posted on Hollywood News (?) showcasing their Top10 Actresses Under the Age of 30. My main problem with the list is how BROAD the meaning of “Under 30” really is. With that title, you could have included Dakota Fanning since she began acting.

Their list is pretty unsurprising… except for maybe #2, whom… well, I’ve already argued on why I didn’t include her name in my 20 to Watch list on a site comment. And to agree with some of the comments made in the list,

Whadya know they’re all f-cking white.

I think it’s time for me to get cracking on that new list of mine.

You know, the series following 20 Actors Between 20-25 to Watch until They’re 30, as well as The Ten 20-to-Watch Who Didn’t Make it. How is that for specific? Some of my choices made it to their Top10

So how about some comments on who to add?

Rules are:
– Must be an actress… or actor – doing both lists at the same time
– Between the ages of 25-30
– Mostly work for film [but some TV work is ok]
– Awarded is nice, but not really mandatory
– Can work in any film industry around the world
– Must have interesting film projects lined up for the next year or two.
– Franchises are nice too… but mixed up with indie film work.

Like in the previous list, ranking is a mix of popularity, critically-acclaimed projects, how interesting are their roles, project brands [collabs with who, or what franchises], etc etc.

In honor of the release of Let the Right One in here in Peru, I have put together my Top5 Little Girls on Film. It wasn’t how cute they were, it was about young girls — I’m only taking into consideration girls younger than 15 years old — dealing with not so innocent stuff. It wasn’t also about dealing with issues teens deal with normally.

These characters weren’t dealing with coming-of-age stories. These were already adults inside girly bodies.

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Awards Daily’s poll is currently going on.

I’m giddy to find out my Top 4 films of 2010 are in the Top10 xD though that could change. Of course, I’m giddy about Inception… why? Nolan + DiCaprio + Marion Cotillard + Ellen Page + Ken Watanabe + Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Hi, there. I’m already there.

Black Swan? Aronofsky + Natalie Portman? I’m sold with that.

The Kids Are All Right? Julianne Moore, Annette Bening, Mark Ruffalo and Mia Wasikowska?

Blue Valentine? Ryan Gosling and Michelle Williams~ Are you kidding?

You can vote for your fave here.

The other films I’m looking forward this 2010?

Hesher, Rabbit Hole, The Killer Inside Me, Norwegian Wood, and Contracorriente (Undertow).

I should be really working on these more often because there are 3 more left before I get to choose the ones from 2009~~~ This time around, I kind of feel like i didn’t get to watch many good films. It was really tough to find 3 animated films to include, and considered to just choose two instead, but I found 3 xD so I hope it’s not mostly filler~

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So we freaking made it! #1 on the List of Actresses~~~
None other than Ellen Page!


Wait, I know. I’m very well aware that many people hate her. Whatever. You know why? Because I’m being quite objective here, and Page has made it to the top with merit. She was pretty freaking scary as Hayley on Hard Candy — my friend told me her now X was scared to his balls in fear. LOL — Anyway, she was also part of a franchise, though a very small role, she was Kitty Pryde on X3.

She later left me scared to death with American Crime, and Tracey Fragments proved to be a very interesting and bizarre film choice. She was later Juno with all her Junoness, won a bunch of awards and was nominated for an Oscar. Next up will be Peacock with Susan Sarandon and Cillian Murphy… and there’s freaking Inception with Leonardo DiCaprio, Ken Watanabe, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Marion Cotillard, Michael Caine, and again Cillian Murphy — directed by the one and only Christopher Nolan~~~

That’s a crew to die for!

Plus, if you ask my father, he’ll tell you she’s the one. LOL

If Inception proves to be successful, there will probably be more role choices… more interesting projects. Unless Page gets bored with acting, I don’t see her boring us with some crazy films…

I just made a gallery at Flickr on gender-bending photos~
can only add 18 pics though =(

some celebrity photos! LOL – check it out!


Drew Barrymore (and Juliette Lewis) are on the cover of Vs Magazine.

Drew Barrymore - VS Magazine Cover

but everyone is talking about the newest issue of Marie Claire with Drew and Ellen Page on the cover… why? Well, besides from giving an interview where both of them fangirl and fuzz over each other… (which is super cute)

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