I’ve got some pretty nice recommendations to share.
Archives For bae doona
I didn’t know Doona spoke English this great, but I’m more delighted to see how expressive she is when she talks. xD
No wonder she placed on #2 on my list three years ago, and I lvoe her even more so than I did then. If I were making that list again, she would be my #1.
Cloud Atlas was one of my highlight movies of 2012 [1] given that’s been a meh year — don’t fight me, less than 10% of the films I watched this past 2012 were rated higher than 8 on IMDb. So I’ve been waiting for its release on Bluray because I haven’t heard of theater releases in my country. The rumor I had heard was that it was going to get a release by February 5th, which of course it’s my birthday x)
To top it all, it appears Cloud Atlas its making its push in Mainland China with my favorite girl, BiBi doing a song. And another song featuring a bunch of artists [1].
On first listen the song, titled Under the Stars (星空之下), is so-so. But on further replays, I really like the verses, more so than the chorus. Of course I think pushing Cloud Atlas with a pop song seems completely misplaced considering how awesome the soundtrack to the movie is, but I’m game. I hope it’s a hit in China so it can recoup its missing budget, as it deserves more positive vibes than it has gotten.
Just saying.
There is an 80% chance that I’m gonna love this movie even if everyone else hates it, because Doona Bae cries in the movie. And whenever she cries, I cry coz she’s amazing like that [1].
If I was pretty pump before, I’m super eager to watch this as soon as possible in the best quality possible. There are big BIG chances that I will buy this in Blu-ray. And I haven’t bought an “American” product in quite a while. Remember when Natalie Portman was attached to this?
You can check some more info here.
Hello to YAM012.
Goodbye (sorta) to YAM PDF.
Hello to yam-mag.com~
Head over, for the last time, to my portfolio to download the latest and last issue.
You’ve named them… some of you voted multiple times, I know. And some of you only voted for one actress instead of one actor and one actress. But the votes are in. And winning, with a boost from the running of Inception on theaters, with 23% of the votes is none other than dear Joseph Gordon Levitt. Despite leading the poll at the beginning, Natalie Portman ended up with 19% of the votes with a late boost from the screenings from Black Swan… but I guess the people that saw Black Swan don’t visit the site, thus that didn’t translate into votes.
Bam! I’m into making lists now. xD
To push distributors, and tickle their curiosity, as well as showing them it can also be good business to bring Asian flicks. Plus, cinephiles would love a little more variety in their local theaters, and I bet regular moviegoers wouldn’t mind one or two non-Hollywood blockbusters… after all, we already watch everything subtitled! We don’t have an issue with them like some… other… people.
If Americans (and Canadians) complain about the little variety of Asian films outside martial arts, or auteur cinema – well, really. Stop complaining. It’s even worse down here. If you got 5 releases a year (just an assumption), then we get one… if we’re lucky. Sorry, I’m not so campy with J-horror… I’m a little tired. I must be too old for it now. LOL
This is what I’m currently watching… on the air. Nothing to do with keeping up with any programs, though I should really find some time to watch Lost, True Blood, and still need to catch up on Mad Men S3. But alas, my Dead Like Me box-set just arrived – I didn’t know it came with the tv movie xD – so I guess I will be watching that the whole month.
– The Big C – for Laura Linney… and I love anything Showtime, most the times.
Didn’t love the pilot, the commercial I posted had pretty much all the funny parts… but I liked the interactions. My favorite line was that one with Gabby Sidibe. About being skinny and a bitch, or fat and jolly. Coz it’s so true. LOL
Laura Linney plays a woman diagnosed with… what appears to be final stages of some cancer. She is considered boring by her son and husband, but wants to be the one staining her sofa with juice/wine. She also wants to eat onions, LOL Plus, her brother needs to take a shower. xD
I really wanted to change one of the songs, but the song I wanted to add has escaped my mind. I have only heard it a couple of times, so the group didn’t stick with me… only the description as “they look like the Japanese Rolling Stones” – They lead singer even looked a bit Mick Jaggerish with his skinny pants and his movements. The song name — I suppose — is KIMOCHI, but because it has such a name, it seems impossible to Google. Do you know the song I’m talking about?
The guys kept singing KIMOCHI, and I’m pretty sure it was written in Katakana.
Anyway, if you know… leave a message~
Yes, I found it. I’m so good. xD Took 2hrs though xD
In the meantime, you gotta listen to this new Japanese mix~
[iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/videoseries?list=PLD78DB60471275D69&hl=en_US”]
- GO!GO!7188 – 浮舟 (Ukifune) – Floating Boat
- PARAN MAUM – リンダリンダ (RINDA RINDA) – Linda Linda (From the movie Linda Linda Linda)
- Spitz (スピッツ) – ジュテーム? (JU TE-MU?) – Je t’Aime?
- MONGOL 800 – 小さな恋のうた (Chiisana Koi no Uta) – Little Love Song
- Tamio Okuda (奥田 民生) – マシマロ (MASHIMARO) – Marshmallow (?)
- RC Succession (RCサクセション) – 気持ちE / キモちE – KIMOCHI-E
- Kaela Kimura (木村 カエラ) – マシマロ (MASHIMARO) – Marshmallow [cover]
- Hitomi Yaida (矢井田 瞳) – 一人ジェンガ (Hitori JENGA) – Jenga Alone
- Shiina Ringo (椎名林檎) – ありあまる富 (Ariamaru Tomi) – Superfluous Fortune
- The Blue Hearts – 終わらない歌 (Owaranai Uta) – Never-ending Song
Yes, I think it makes sense xD
enjoy the playlist!