Archives For hbo


Kick like a Girl is a 30-min HBO documentary of a team of girls that play (NOT soccer) football that totally creamed the boys in a match… or something.

Back in my school days… I played football. I think I rocked it~~~ as a hobby of course. Back then, girls didn’t rock like this. I wish I had a girls football team T.T

When I was 10-ish, there was a school match… between girls, but I’m pretty sure I was the only one taking it ‘seriously’. I even had my friends over for a practice. You know, I used to play with my cousins… one of those things you do when all your cousins are guys you see~~~

Best in the trailer? The boy admitting getting creamed (in the field) by a girl. And the girl saying “I’m not going to be one of the girly girls, who put on lipgloss everyday, dresses in tutus and goes to ballet.”

Yu Aoi - Kid

What’s wrong with tutus and ballet?

You know… you can still end up like this~

Yu Aoi - Travel Sand

Just in case you don’t know, that’s the same person. ;)

So coming month… what to watch?? Forgive if times are funky, blame the cable mag for that…

Yu Aoi will be on cable this month!!! With a showing of Hana & Alice, as well as Hula Girls!!!

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What to Watch…

November 1, 2008 — 1 Comment

If you’ve got Cable Magico, that is… though I am pretty sure I’m double-checking times, don’t hold a grudge if I get a wrong date… blame the cable magazine~~

Some of them I’ve seen actually… but it is to be note off~~~ INTERN ACADEMY. xD Not sure how that film will be, but it has none other than Carly Pope in the cast, so worth checking out for me. LOL’

November… again?

November 1, 2008 — Leave a comment

Wow, time flies! Really does… anyway, this month I was checking out some films on cable, and was interested in watching a few so I made a list. Yes, because I’m a geek… and there’s plenty of films, so I didn’t wanna miss one by overlapping them. Anyway, Little Fish was supposed to be on HBO tonight at 12.25am, and as you can see it’s 1am and it’s not on, so I went to the HBO Latin America site to check that out. Surprise!

Cable Magico - Horario Equivocado

As you can see… the HBO site (Peru schedule) has The Others listed as ‘now playing’ while there’s still 1.30hr for Little Fish, meaning it will be playing at 2.35am or so instead of 12.25am like the Cable Magico site and magazine say~~ which begs the question~ will the other films also be at other times?

Justin Timberlake - HBO - Future/Sex Love/ShowIt’s 1hr. into the Justin Timberlake, FutureSex/LoveShow Concert on HBO Latin America. You can guess by me writing. Not enjoying it too much. Rock Your Body just began… looks promising, more on that later.

The concert began slow with FutureSex, and shortly interrupted by a black screen, and Like I Love You/My Love – that one number was good. Exciting,but then the show went down the drain for me. Can’t really say I enjoy much JT’s ballads… the whole playing instruments part is kinda nifty, but let’s just say I’m not paying to see him play any instruments… well, I’m not paying. But I wouldn’t go to his show to see him sit on his squeaky-bum… I wanna see some jumping around, and sweat… loads of breathless chorus with some playback on.

So, Amy’s not big on the whole slow jamming Timberlake does, and Rock Your Body begins, but doesn’t deliver. The next guitar-driven JT ballads are kinda alrite to listen to, snorted a bit on the whole Nsync back-in-time Gone performance, and I still think Justified is a better album than FS/LS.

If you enjoyed the whole FutureSex/LoveSound album, there’s a chance u might like this show. However, I’m one of those who just enjoyed about 5 songs of it, I’ll just stick with the downloads… not worth my DVD $$. I can live without having this in my collection, and can probably live without being in one of his concerts. Besides, JT’s got enough $$, so he won’t mind me I bet…

Anyway… loads of “ohhs,” “ooh!,” “ahhh,” “moan moan,” lick a finger over here… have a drink there, have a thrust “whoa…” how about a little rub ooh! I’m freaky, ask Julyssa if you want xD I need me some innocent sounding pop music…

Image of the concert, totally cool. Dig the giant screens where you can see JT’s giant face and the giant spirits of gospel chorus. The band was good, JT’s voice… hmm, not on the plus side. Dancing wasn’t too cool either… random shots on random bimbos not knowing lyrics to the songs, totally snort-worth. Backstage camera? I dunno…

Visuals: 4/5
Voice: 3/5
Dancing: 3/5
Music: 4/5

Overall: 14/20