Don’t want to be disrespectful, but I think it’s fitting.
You know, I never ever met him without looking like that. Leslie Nielsen just froze in time for me with his white hair and that face.
Don’t want to be disrespectful, but I think it’s fitting.
You know, I never ever met him without looking like that. Leslie Nielsen just froze in time for me with his white hair and that face.
After many years of battling against leukemia, Rich Cronin passed away. VH1’s Man Band was rubbish, but Cronin was pretty much the only likable guy. His fight against leukemia had really given him a different outlook on life, and he just wanted to make happy music.
Happy music is always good.
Rest in peace, Rich.
Another great one has gone.
Animated film director Satoshi Kon passed away from a heart attack. His animated gems included Perfect Blue, Tokyo Godfathers and Paprika. That alone with the news of Studio Ghibli wanting to close down doors, is just right down depressing.
gone too soon.
People are saying it’s time that LimeWire is put to sleep…
or most likely…
According to the article, 60% of people use LimeWire. Really?
I haven’t used LimeWire in… at least, 8 years? I do know about two or three that use it, but that’s because they pretty much suck with anything related to computers. And I mean really suck.
I have recently used aMule because I needed to get three albums (of an artist… Ding Wei, if you must know), and the only place I found it was on this Chinese website that only supported aMule/eDonkey files. However, I haven’t used it for anything else.
After Napster — does ANYONE use that for legal downloads anyway? — I went through a lot of other programs, including AudioGalaxy, iMesh, Kazaa, eDonkey, LimeWire… and maybe a few others, but the lines have started to blur already.
What I have been doing for music? I have been listening to a LOT of stream music over at [literally meaning “good music” or “good sound” or “pleasant to hear”], and whenever I decide the album is quite good, I download via any place. Those MP3s sit on my HD for a while until I finally add them on my iPod, and once they become my favorite “albums” [hint: albums, not single tracks], I look them up in different online stores, and actually buy the physical album.
The last album that has defy that system was Salyu’s Maiden Voyage, which I pre-order for fear of losing my copy of the limited edition with DVD concert… like I lost Seo Taiji.
Can I just say Abracadabra is super hot?
I listened to all of Brown Eyed Girls discography, minus singles… only albums, and maybe I did some minialbums. Can’t really recall, it’s been too much music lately. Anyway, from all the girl groups I’ve listened to lately… I liked them the best… dig their voices, and the raps somehow remind me of Lisa “Left Eye” Lopez…
Man, she was the shitz~~
TLC killed it in the VMAs 1999. Man, those were the years…
RIP, Left Eye, RIP.
Well, not a death particularly.
But it’s a sad day as Disney (who bought them for only $70M) has decided to shut down Miramax.
Yes, that same Disney that keeps feeding us with ABC’s Grey’s Anatomy, cancels Pushing Daisies… and gave us Miley Cyrus to rot the minds of our younger generation.
Miramax gave us The Piano, Reservoir Dogs, The English Patient, Shakespeare in Love, Chicago, The Talented Mr. Ripley, Clerks, Doubt, There Will Be Blood, Gone Baby Gone, Happy-Go-Lucky, Le Scaphandre et le Papillon, No Country for Old Men, Kinky Boots, Finding Neverland… just to name a few.
Good taste is dead. *sighs*
Well, at least you can still upload your OWN original content to share, if you want. I wish more singers, groups, musicians, filmmakers would use the platform of torrents to distribute their work. After all, all you need is a private tracker to allow a few people… in case you want to charge some for it.
This not just in… but I’ve been watching the TV since it was announced.
Surprising news… Michael Jackson died. O_o
NOOOOOOO! Before I get to see him in concert. Damn!
Read all about it here.
MJ changed the music industry, and was an idol that went across the generational barrier inspiring tons of people of many different ages… including my uncle and aunt, my older cousins, me and my younger counsin. His video for Remember the Time was the first video I remember ever making an impact as a kid, and will always regard him as a musical visionary.
Well it’s been a few hours already. I can’t still believe it – this has actually been a day of a lot of deaths (3 more) announcements aroudn here – *sighs* And it seems this has shocked a whole lot of people. My dad was following this story with me… and even my mom, who doesn’t generally give a crap about entertainment news.
I also found the following entries~~~
Igor + Andre MJ Tribute
– Stage Thriller who Took the Music Industry
– Fans Mourn Artist
– In his Own Words
– Searching for Jackson’s Doctor
– Death Linked to Painkiller
— June 29 —
– R.I.P
– Michael Jackson News and Reactions
– Music and Videos
I’ve got a 4th generation iPod… yes, my iPod is 4 years… since the day I bought it on my trip to Hong Kong back in September 2004. Yes, my iPod has many scratches on the tiny 1.5 inches one-color screen. LOL I cannot watch videos, it doesn’t allow photos… and it’s only 20Gb. But it’s more than I could ask for…
Yesterday, my iPod suffered an accident, and it’s been on the border of a permanent coma. Connected through the USB cable to my Frankestein PC desktop, I tripped over the cable and it fell on the hard cold floor. I had dropped my iPod before, and apparently… it’s been taking its toll.
One of the problems that began happening is that Windows XP wasn’t recognizing the iPod, iTunes crashed… and I ended up restarting my computer more than a few times before I decided to disconnect it all. Once again, I disconnected all and restarted the system as I connected my iPod directly to the electrical outlet with the firewire.
It seemed to work that way, and I hadn’t lose any of the 3000+ songs I’ve got in it… over 14Gb of music. When I woke up today, everything seemed to work fine, and I set up the music that I wanted to listen while doing some studying, when all of a sudden everything stopped playing. Most of the songs I tried playing showed that little exclamation (!) sign when iTunes can’t find the original file.
After that, Windows and iTunes began acting weird again, and it did so in another computer. After a few more restarts, I plugged the iPod to the electrical outlet once again, and let it rest there for a while.
iPod is working once again… and songs that showed up as missing are playing fine.
My faithful 4-year-old iPod that accompanied me through so many sleepless school days during finals, during so many hours on a plane… and terrible endless waits in airports around the world. ~~~ There won’t be a replacement for my 4th generation iPod, just like there’s no replacement for my worn-out Adidas, which I bought in 2001 and have carried with me around the world… endured terrible rain, mud, moss, extremely long walks.