Archives For comeback

I swear to kamisama that Hyori-unnie has been watching a lot of films. Last time she did Black Balloons and creepy clow in a gloomy beach, which was totally arthouse. This time around she’s totally District 9 meets The Fifth Element meets Close Encounters of the Third Kind.

I love it. xD Thanks for the Hyori video-bombarding, Julz.

Hyori in the yellow feathery coat looks like a little pollito. LOL

Once again, thanks Julz for making me watch.
I saw this posted about a week ago, but didn’t wanna watch based on the title. I mean… “Love Song”? Sound the alarms! Also… Bi Rain… some people call him Rain, others Bi… others Bi Rain to avoid misunderstandings~ but Bi Rain is so less practical xD

This is the first single from his album Back to the Basics — I just had a full flashback to Christina Aguilera — and well, apparently the song is written and composed by Bi himself. Color me surprise. No wonder it plays well with Bi’s strength… using his sexy whispery voice.

my only pet-peeve I’ve told Julz is that he does the urban-looking dance all sweaty, which looks good sure… but does little to say “wow, Bi’s all grown up now”. I suggested to Julz that he should have done the sitting on a stool all tuxed up, doing a choreography with that and while the song seems to be getting angrier, he begins loosening his tie, and ends up ripping off his shirt.

See~~~ probably same effect, but doesn’t go all urban. xD

Hyori-unnie’s Vol. 4 album H-Logic [okay…]

Here comes the first single… a Latin-emo arthouse styled song/video.
Doesn’t it make you think old Latin song? Like OLD school Latin song.

And there’s a creepy clown… so arthouse.
And black balloons… totally Le Ballon Rouge xD

thanks Julz for the heads up~

Westlife by Kevin McDaid

December 2, 2009 — 6 Comments

Hello there?
These photos are to promote Westlife’s new album Where We Are, with their single What About Now — BLEH! I know. The titles… *sighs* Why must they use those titles?? Anyway, the photos were taken by Mark’s main squeeze ;P


Woah, they look all sort of hot. Hahaha
No, I mean it. Check the break.

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If we talk about big dorks, Crowd Lu is a huge dork, and his new album comes out next month, the first single Oh Yeah is out. SO FUN. So catchy. I hope the whole album is like this, so I feel like getting it.

Crowd Lu’s first album 100 Ways for Living was a huge hit.

Say what?

She’s got a new album! And it was released not long ago, and a lot of famous people showed their support for the release!! Including Andy Lau, Eason Chan, Nic Tse and Stefanie Sun~~~

This is the video for the first single, Gui Lai (Return)

must get my hands on that album~

and I demand a collaboration with Celtic Woman, Meav or Sarah Brightman~~~ LOL

It’s here, it’s here!

Bibi Zhou - Time - Package

Pretty photos courtesy of me (so please, respect hot pink watermarks LOL),
plus a professional/sort-of-fan product review below the break~
enjoy, and link back if you’re sharing! xD

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First, Bibi (who loves David Tao, and now shares record company with)
Then Seo Taiji~~~
Now turns out David Tao’s about to release a new album called Opus 69-
I’m lacking the oxygen to process any spazz~

Three years in the waiting!! LOL

David Tao - Opus 69

And I love the almost pretentious name explanation, Ha!

David Tao comes back with his new album in three years titled Opus 69. The number in the title references a number of things, among which is that it’s the singer-songwriter’s 6th album and 9th CD. Besides, David was born in the summer of ’69, and the symbol of his zodiac sign, Cancer, resembles “69”. Moreover, in the ancient text of I-Ching, 6 and 9 symbolize “change” and “rebirth”, and the numbers when pronounced in Japanese are similar to “rock”, which is what this highly anticipated album is about!

Damn! Check out the pre-orders in YesAsia.

Have you noticed I’m very Chinese at the moment? xD

Holy mother of O.o

Seo Taiji - Vol. 8 Atomos Cover

It’s Seo Taiji! I flipped out in the morning, even though I’m just listening to it.

This is just too much to take in… First Bibi, now Seo Taiji~~~ All I need now is to find out Faye Wong has released a new album, and I can die happy. Buahaha. No, seriously though~~~ I’m divided. I would love a new album by Faye, but I’m afraid I won’t lurv the album. LOL – To Love was PURRRRfection – really, I almost got scammed just to get it. xD

Time for Bibi

July 8, 2009 — 2 Comments


I didn’t know! I’m passing out~~~ When did that happen???

Bibi Chow - Zhou Bichang - Time

I’m actually just listening at the moment, so I cannot spazz out more than I already did by finding out. It’s time for it to sink in and simmer well… LOL –

After the news of change of management, she is now under Gold Typhoon (EMI) *le gasp*

in the meantime! Enjoy~~

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