Archives For comeback


Korean girl idol group Piggy Dolls was making a comeback — after the quite catchy and makeover-ish The Girl that I Know (아는여자) [MV], which gave a terrific hair style to singer Lee Ji Yeon — only to run into the video for Ordinary Girl (보통여자) [MV] and see that I didn’t freaking RECOGNIZE ANYONE! At first I chugged it to maybe having actors not on the MV, but apparently- yes, they’ve changed all members.

I don’t even know why bother keeping the name of the group. It’s just lazy management and creates an even bigger image problem. And here I was looking forward to Ji Yeon’s latest makeover. Though I must admit, her hair color and shape was perfect the last time.

Not exactly a strong dream collab of mine, but I’m sure GD was psyched to do this. I’m just glad to see Missy back after launching a couple of video-less singles [1] last year. She’s looking great and they both seem to be having a blast here.

The question now is… when do I get to download this track?

When Brown Eyed Girls released the name of the songs, I was immediately drawn to Kill Bill, because DUH! It’s Kill Bill, dude. Now I’m so psyched that THAT song is going to be their comeback single.

I really don’t know and haven’t looked into who is directing this, but it could be either Hwang Soo Ah or Zany Bros, haven’t decided yet. It could be either of those two due to the style of the MV.

Now, the question is… should I buy the CD or wait for the repackage?

Though, I must admit that both versions of Sixth Sense were SO pretty.

I look young. My older cousins, who are just a bit older than JeA is, still see me and still tap me on the head. I still get carded. When traveling or meeting new people in general they always ask me about school… and I don’t mean it like asking about university. They ask me about high school or wonder what I’m choosing to study at university.

I graduated from high school ten years ago (gosh!).

I usually look at people on movies or tv shows, watch their music videos, [1] and I think people… look like contemporaries of mine. When I google them, however, I’m surprised some of them are five or ten years younger than me. It’s crazy. So because I tend to look at myself and think of my age, my expectation of how young people look is skewed.

Strangely enough, JeA still surprises me.

Starting out, I thought she was older than she is. Mid-thirties instead of early. As the years go by, she seems to be getting younger and younger, though. In this promo photo for the Brown Eyed Girls comeback (YAY! Comeback!), JeA looks like she’s 16. It’s nuts. 14 if you consider the giant teddy ages her down. And the pout makes her maybe a year younger than that.

It’s crazy that with my skewed view on how ‘old’ people should look, JeA manages to look half my age. And what’s funny~ if we ever meet in person, she’ll probably be able to boss me around. Coz that’s her presence. xD


Also, I’m psyched about the new album. I’m lukewarm on the Recipe single, though.

Well, Hyori has earned her “Comeback” title alright- she’s been absent for… like, what? Four or three years maybe? Since her 4th bad luck album was such a bust, she’s been sort of hovering on our lives as Kpop seemed to rise and leak into the worldwide pop culture subconscious.

Since those days, LOADS of rookie groups have debuted — all trained vocally and in dance ability, which puts them ahead of Hyori. But you know what? Who cares. Hyori is what I wanted Britney to be at some point. I wanted Brit to be well adjusted and charismatic, even if she had gradually lost her voice and, ultimately, her dance ability. One thing I never wanted her to lose was her ability to engage.

Hyori engages with her audience. At the end of her celebratory comeback presentation, she brings back 10 Minutes, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, and then she performs U-Go-Girl, with no post at ALL O_O You can hear her laugh while singing through the almost-bare and casual arrangements of the song, while she’s been squirted with water guns. And she tells them (and us) that she’s missed us. Or that’s how I’ve interpreted her bogoshippoyo.

The water gun squirts borders on a wet t-shirt contest, but Hyori is wearing silver leggins throughout the whole show, which really surprises me — I mean, she could’ve been wearing black hot pants like her over-exposed back-up dancers, but she isn’t. She’s actually quite casual through the whole segment until the water squirting gets ridiculous and she laughs. I love that.

Apparently the show lasted nearly 50min?

Yuguo Withdrawal Symptom

April 11, 2013 — 1 Comment

I am having serious Yuguo Withdrawal Symptom, especially because I thought Yuguo’s latest album would be out and about in March — it’s nearly mid-April and I’m still dry. I need my next fix! ASAP. Especially considering they do have the promo images for the album, and the official track listing. What happened???? I’m freaking out O_O


I’ll have to settle for replaying one of my favorite albums of them, which by the way, I got my aunt to buy for me in her last trip to Shanghai coz- it’s like impossible to get online if you’re not a resident.

To use this prettyful lights they’re using on their latest video titled Can’t Wait (迫不及待, Po Bu Ji Dai), which I’m not posting on the magazine because I feel… it’s been bombarded by Asian music. However, I can post this here! It’s got pretty lights! The girls look so pretty! Flawless faces.

In all honesty, I had a lot of Spice Girls fun when it happened, but the best part of the whole thing will ALWAYS be this animated GIF. Thank you forever and always, Lainey.
Continue Reading…

You know Jackie Chan’s upcoming movie, Chinese Zodiac (十二生肖) [Trailer], which has so much numerology~~~ twelve signs, opening on December 12 of 2012. And you know Jackie Chan is best-buds with Leehom [1] … so much so that Jackie smooches Leehom for fun, so Leehom is apparently doing the main song for the movie because this song is titled like the movie.

It’s so chinked-out. Reminiscent of his The 18 Martial Arts album, which I have already gotten accustomed to. I kinda love the song, not a solid 4/5, but possibly close to it at first few listens.

Did I ever tell you about my classmate from English class? Her last name was Sigismondi as well. I can’t even remember her name, and faintly remember her face… but I remember her. She was one of the only students who was a mother at the time… I wonder what happened to her.

ANYWAY, here’s Pink’s latest music video. It’s the most tight music video she’s ever done.

Ghost and I are planning to (just planning to) make a list of all the videos we can come up that have prominent dancing. Some ideas already brewing in my head, the list might turn into something awesome.