Dude! Bad-ass with a heart.
Ip Man, for the people who don’t know, is Bruce Lee’s martial arts master.
Though, from the little info I could read on the real Ip Man, they do make him look like a total hero here. I mean, you watch the first Ip Man film [semi-biographical], and he’s painted like a real nice man who likes to spar with other martial artists. He’s just a family man, and good to everyone, but he does sure love his martial arts.
Ip Man is the hero. He is the man, and this is a total blockbuster, but with a lot more heart. I teared up a bit in parts, and I’m not even supposed to feel “patriotic” about it. But this is not about that, right? Wow, Ip Man… or I mean, Donnie Yen can totally kick ass.
I suspect my grandfather would have enjoyed this movie very much. My dad sure did.
And because Ip Man 2 [pretty much not biographical] has just opened in China and some other territories (including Australia, damn those lucky SOBs xD), Ip Man has been battling it out on the box office against Iron Man. However, despite Ip Man 2 not being as good as the original Ip Man… it totally beats Iron Man 2 to a pulp… in quality, not in box office power.
Yeah, sure. Ip Man 2 is a little bit Rocky and a little No Retreat, No Surrender — and all the many fighting movies — but I can’t deny Ip Man has a lot of heart. I mean, can’t get more patriotic than fighting to “defend all Chinese culture.” How was the line? Something like you can put me down, but not all Chinese martial arts?
And oh man, Bruce Lee was such a total cocky child actor.
*sighs* if he only were alive.