Archives For pricey hobbies

I think that’s pretty much my 2010 album collection. And I’ve kept it 2010 to be fair. Today I bought a bunch of albums from Latin American artists that I found cheap and wanted to add to my collection – one was even released in 2000 LOL – and then I thought “Well, this is a poor CD insert.”

From left to right, top to bottom – the contestants are:

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Goodies Support!

September 2, 2010 — Leave a comment

Wow, is this what they call a grovel post? xD

Let’s make it an update post. I just pre-ordered this book:

Yeah, by the same author of Let the Right One In. xD

Of course, I still haven’t finished reading the Millennium trilogy, even though my friend already read the first two books… but she’s been on holidays, so she really has the upper-hand, right?

If books are not your thing… how about some music?

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You know I love me wacky bikes~

The clean and striking IF Mode is aimed at commuters of the mobile generation who, until now, may have not considered cycling or folding bikes to be an option. IF Mode avoids oily chains, complex tubes with hidden dirt traps, and the clutter of traditional bike features. Meant for city commuters rather than bicycle warriors, it looks at home folded up on a subway or in an office, like other well designed accessories in your life. It also performs on the street like any lightweight, well-balanced full size bike.

But of course it’s nearly $2.5K – Of course it is, Amy.

I have been enjoying this for a little more than a week.

just spent $35 USD on the limited edition… just to proof that you pay for the goods.

so stop complaining music and movie industry. just make good stuff happen.

It’s ping pong stuff!

Exclusive for Conran Shop (?) by Puma, and designed by Aruliden, the Chalk Ping Pong Table is actually a blackboard in the shape of a table! So you can doodle on it, of course… it’s for keeping scores, but you can doodle on it. And it’s designed in a way that you can put your ping pong gear in the table.

via TrendsNow.

A while ago Mario Testino opened his show Portraits for the first time here in Lima, Peru to re-open the Art Museum in town. Even Kate Moss showed up for the opening of the show – color me surprised.

As Lainey would say, I would cut a bitch to get my Mario Testino book Portrait — which I bought years ago, FYI — signed. But you know… things like that are hard to do. But my mom keeps telling me if Mario Testino shows up, she so totally will get my book for signing.

And, well,  since no cameras are allowed inside, I couldn’t take any pictures of show… even worse with a Nikon big-ass lens camera. So this will have to do~~~

Since I already (and only) own Portraits — which was 3 times the price I paid for my copy — I ended up buying the Diana, Princess of Wales book, because I’m a sucker for those photographs. The natural light, it gets me. I’m pretty much sure I also overpaid for it, but oh well~

And then comes the news that Kate Moss (the book) by Mario Testino, in limited edition of 1500 signed copies of a little over 120 pages, will be 350 Euros and/or $472 USD. I mean, F*ck me twice on a Sunday~ You know I’ve been dishing a bit too much dough purchasing Photobooks, but 350 Euros? Damn.

Anyway, exhibit was… well, what I expected. There was a funny moment in which I saw a portrait of Jennifer Aniston almost facing Angelina’s portrait which was next to the Brad portrait.
Coincidence or conspiracy? xD

Seldom Book Talk

April 26, 2010 — 1 Comment

I don’t read as many books as I watch films, tv series or listen to albums… but I think that reading subtitles count on as part as the word count of how much I actually read… as well as reading lyrics xD

At the moment I’m reading — being trying to finish for the last month or so — Cronica del Pajaro que da Cuerda al Mundo (The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, aka Nejimaki-dori KURONIKURU) by Haruki Murakami, but really can’t blame me for taking so long. It’s 900 pages long, and I know Harry Potter 5 is as long and it only took me 3 days to finish that one. But Cronica began really slow, and I left it there for a long long time until about 3 days ago, when I picked it up again. xD

I’m actually devouring any Murakami novel I ran into the bookstore. I have already bought Sputnik, mi Amor (Sputnik Sweetheart, aka SUPU-TONIKU no Koibito), and El Fin del Mundo y un Despiadado Pais de las Maravillas (Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World, aka Sekai no Owari to HA-DOBOIRUDO WANDA-RANDO).

I’m looking for Kafka on the Shore, which I saw at a bookstore’s listing, but when they checked… it was gone. Highly suspicious… I never believe things like books, cds or dvds ever get sold out here.

Julz will also be surprised to find out that I ran into copies of Män som Hatar Kvinnor… which wasn’t literally translated, as the book in Spanish is called Los Hombres que no Amaban a las Mujeres [literally, Men Who Didn’t Love Women for those of you non-Spanish readers] – I guess Odiar/Hate is too-strong a word? At least it beats “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” [Hardcover][Kindle Version]. Gosh. I was disappointed with the title in English when I saw the film. xD I also found a copy of Flickan som Lekte med Elden, which was translated to La Chica que Soñaba con una Cerilla y un Bidon de Gasolina [literally, The Girl who Dreamed with a Match and an Oil Drum] but the Swedish title means The Girl who Played with Fire [Hardcover][Kindle Version], right Julz? Which is exactly like the English title. Wonder who picks the titles…

However, I couldn’t find a copy of the third part. I will probably look for it after I finish all of the above, or buy it if I ran into it… – I wonder why they only had the two tomes.

Also, why are books so effing expensive here? I paid a bit over $30 for each Stieg Larsson book, and they’re not even hardcover editions. Frak, I even complained when that stupid Dan Brown book was $16 USD on Amazon… while they were selling it for nearly $35 USD in bookstores here. FRAK, I tell you!

Asian Music Round-up

March 28, 2010 — 12 Comments

27 Asian Music Albums OWNED. [One, Mirotic… thanks Julz~]

That’s like 50 regular Western music albums in price… just so you know.

Over 240 Asian Music Albums HEARD…

it’s been 2 busy years of Asian Entertainment…
and I can’t seem to stop~

musicians and idols~ I can’t hate any of them…
and they’re making me broke xD

Catherine on DVD?

December 30, 2009 — 3 Comments


*giggles* sorry, that cover makes me laugh.

It looks like Francophone-DVD distributor Imavision has released the first season. It seems like it’s 10 discs, but I can find no details… I mean, it looks like the first season, but it says the first part, which could be more than the first season… explaining the 10 discs and the expensive price tag.

Also, no info on subtitles or captioning.

This can be purchase through the CBC Shop Online for $59.99 CND (I suppose), at for $69.95 CND, and over at for $69.99 CND — they do free shipping (international, I dunno) with orders over $39.

They’re a bit pricey. I wonder if I should get someone to get them for me. I expect all DVD material to at least be captioned in its original language… no info here. If anyone does, share!

I’m totally all over this.


And of course it’s a $2200 special order. LOL
check out some more photos and info over at