Archives For peru

Wild things happened at this year’s Spring Gala. Faye Wong awoke from her hibernation for a performance of What the World Gifted Me (世界赠予我的), which CCTV only has in this pre-recorded video presentation.

Ni Ni showed up in this segment on Wuxi Scenery and National Feelings (无锡景 家国情), showcasing Jiangsu as a province. Ni Ni, and I suppose everyone involved in the segment, were born in Nanjing or other Jiangsu province cities.

However, most shocking and most improved was the unexpected collaboration between Chinese vocalist Zhou Shen (周深), Peruvian opera singer Juan Diego Flores and Peruvian multi-instrumentalist Lucho Quequezana for a remix of Lan Hua Hua (兰花花) and the lyric version of El Condor Pasa for The Condor and the Orchid Flower (山鹰和兰花花).

Many would remember Zhou Shen breaking through pop culture in the 2014 season of The Voice of China (中國好聲音), which led to different hits and numerous inclusions in soundtracks like his first ever Big Fish (大鱼) for the Big Fish & Begonia (大鱼海棠) animated film, which is one of my favorite Chinese animation projects.

I took some time to plan an imaginary trip to India to truly realize we really live in opposite sides of the world. lol I’d figured these are the most possible routes.

[click to expand a bit]

Most comfortable route seems to be Lima via Sao Paulo to Johannesburg and Mumbai. Peruvians who want to travel for regular tourism and chill activities for less than six months can apply for an e-Tourist visa. Peruvians do not need visas to enter Brazil (shorter than 90s days) nor South Africa (visits shorter than 30 days).

Peruvians don’t need visa to transit through Amsterdam.

Peruvians do need one to enter the US, even for transit. Long gone are the days of free transit in the US. However, traveling through San Francisco seems the least practical, even though San Francisco is a great hub to enter into East Asia. My preferable spot for point of exit.

As a reverse practice— Indians DO need visas to enter South Africa and Brazil (only diplomatic passport holders are exempt.) But it looks like they might not need a visa to transit through Amsterdam.

Regular Indians do seem to need a visa to enter Peru, though citizens who hold valid US, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia or Schengen visas seem to be exempt. So if you already travel, it seems pretty straight forward.

It took a while, but

Happy 1000th fan!

If you aren’t following the list yet, you might discover a gem or two!

Look who’s playing her Solar Emotions LP


I’m a stan. I have decided to stan forever. LOL Well, at least a few years. A few years in this day and age is an awfully long time, which is practically forever. I’ve seen relationships that have lasted less than my two and a half years as a moomoo. xD

I’ve been a fan of Yu Aoi for a decade now [1][2]. I’m expecting my moomoo status to be just as long.

If they ever do an event here. I’m done for. LOL I’ve been wanting to feed them my whole moomoo life, as the Grandma Radish that I seem to be turning into.

It’s winter down here. My cold resistance has gone down since my not-even-cold Canada days. I even use an electric bed warmer because my room gets so cold, it’s got a breeze with windows closed. lol Anyway, since I’m on the topic, and calling for donations to combat the winter in the South is a yearly tradition that’s never-ending, I thought I would do a post on the Tibetan heating systems. I actually only saw these on various broadcasts of -probably- CCTV’s Yuanfang de Jia (远方的家).

This is a Kang (炕, from the Chinese “to bake or dry by the heat of a fire“) or a “bed-stove”.

Basically, you grill yourself in winter. Like I do with my electric bed warmer. xD

Like European ceramic stoves, Korean Ondol (온돌) underfloor heating, or… well, modern heated ceramic tile floor; a Kang is designed to keep you warm, especially in cold winter nights; like it is mentioned on Coldland People (寒地百姓吟, aka. Han Di Bai Xing Yin), the Tang Dynasty poem by Meng Jiao (孟郊) that starts with the following lines:


Translated on the Wiki page as: No fuel to heat the floor to sleep, standing and crying with cold at midnight instead.

Source: Baidu [includes a detailed explanation of the verses]

Appreciation for coal miners and heat aside; as fancy as floor-heating may look nowadays with ceramic tiles and electric heating. It all started with ovens built with brick and/or clay. A relatively more cost-efficient way to keep families in the South from freezing themselves to death.

Donghae, My Love

February 22, 2018 — Leave a comment

So… I’m going to the upcoming Super Junior concert xD

You know Peru was like, the Kpop Latin American capital back in 2011-2012 when the Big Bang concert happened here. The only Latin American place coz Big Bang was/is huge. SM fans are huge too, but… our concert bubble exploded, our concert infrastructure is crap, so we’ve missed out on a lot of things. Like a lot of big events that I heard were gonna happened, never got to happen.

Last year I just dove deep into my Kpop nostalgia, Mamamoo has drowned me in Kpop and all Korean things, so I followed a lot of Korean variety and groups, and I ended up thinking that SM released two really good albums for SNSD and Super Junior, which also happened to go great back to back. For those who know me, I have a grip with most Kpop albums because I only tend to like the title track (or just one song in the album). Well, in the case of Holiday Night and Black Suit, they’re solid albums with a pace and a feel. That’s a rare occurrence.

I had never really followed Super Junior, it’s only been lately that I learned a couple of their names aside from Leeteuk and Siwon. xD Sorry, Sorry is the only song I can sing to, but lol I did get to see their Weekly Idol appearance and I died looking at Donghae with his platinum blond hair. xD And then he started showing his weepy emotional side, and I was gone. LOL

I’ve been trying to fix my Current Flavors’ age, and I can sense my average age going down.

Continue Reading…

I don’t know what is it about Laika, but Kubo was the second Laika film that I enjoyed the Spanish Latino dubbing more than the original English track. Not that the original Boxtrolls dialog lacked anything, but the Spanish Latino is funnier to me. When re-watching on Bluray, I would choose the dubs over the original audios in both. In Kubo, it had a lot more to do with the fact that Charlize Theron’s voice as the mother and Monkey spoiled the bit of the story, which I suppose was a huge reveal.

With dubbed voices, the identity of the voice is a lot foggier, so it comes as a greater surprise (unless the dubbing had chosen a recognizable voice to sell the project).

I was eagerly waiting for Kubo to open in Japan (just like I watched Los Fantasmas de Goya in Castillian Spanish xDDDD), and since it was taking so long, I was wondering if it was ever going to be released there since Laika hasn’t been making much money there and Boxtrolls didn’t even open.

I was super disappointed when the first trailer for KUBO クボ 二本の弦の秘密 dropped, but it was subtitled. LOL It’s about three weeks to opening date on Nov.18, and this first clip of the dubbing came out. It features Pierre Taki in McConaughey’s place (the Bettle), alongside Rina Kawaei in Mara’s role of the Sisters, Akiko Yajima (whom I think is doing the voice of Kubo xD), Atsuko Tanaka (as, I suppose, Monkey), and Michio Hazama (as, I suppose, the Moon King).

Laika could totally release a collector’s edition with this audio track included.

(*•̀ᴗ•́*)و ̑̑

Bless the Drink, Eat, Sing VLive.

Bless Moomoos. Bless Mamamoo.

Please, include South America in your plans. Rooting for Peru, but I ain’t holding my breath [1]. xD Continue Reading…

April Blessings~

April 17, 2017 — 2 Comments

It’s no longer Whee-in’s birthday in S.Korea, but it still technically is here— so, Happy Birthday Wheepup! You Spongebob-laughing tripe-and-raw-liver-eating laughing machine you. I still haven’t check out the recent Bday Vapp, but bless you, Mamamoo kids.

April started with blessings of Shiina Ringo releasing her concert DVD/Bluray Hyakkiyagyo 2015 (百鬼夜行2015) [which is the term used for onis, yokais, monsters and spirits whatevers doing a conga line through the night (LOL)]; then Gesu Kiwami are finally releasing their Daruma Ringo (達磨林檎) [which was supposed to released last year], which are set to be released in May. There were also announcements of a new BiBi album and a Mamamoo comeback.

Mamamoo, of course, have been blessing us all year— I’ve sorta lost track of the many song releases, but I’m pretty sure it was like this: LOVE for the Goblin OST, Solar’s collab with Luna and Hani for Honey Bee, Solar’s Emotion Part 4, San E’s collab with Hwasa in I Am Me, Jungkey’s son with Whee-in Anymore, Double Trouble Couple for the Strong Woman Do Bong Soon OST, and now eSNa’s collab with Hwasa Love Comes. Bless and poor, yo!

I’ve also just discovered DADARAY, Residente (otherwise known as the voice of Calle 13) released his new album [1]… and so did La Vida Boheme [1], Mary and the Witch’s Flower (メアリと魔女の花) LOOKS FREAKING AMAZING, I’ve been watching Sister’s Slam Dunk Season 2 and loving every minute of it, and Minzy’s made her official comeback with the release of Minzy Work 01 UNO and NINANO, as a main single.

Last night, of course, started with Minzy’s comeback, but got so much better with the announcement that Shiina Ringo did a CM for a Luxury Mall, but the song they did expanded into a digital single called Menukidori (目抜き通り), which is set to be released on the 20th, which is the day of the mall’s inauguration [1]. And then I found out that Jambinai released a new song called Damdamhi Jeogsigona (담담히 적시고나), which translates to “slightly wet,” which features the voice of folk singer Park Min Hee (박민희) [1].

Then I went to bed, and Mamamoo was in it. I talked (and laughed) a lot with Whee-in [this is the first time I interact, in broken English, with Mamamoo]. It was a party, and Shahrukh Khan was also there hahahahaha, so I got to shake his hand xD and then I went to talk to Hwasa, and she was telling me she was planning to come to Peru to visit Machu Picchu, so I was like- giving her tips. Sting was also there (so random!), and he had hair. HAHAHA.

Bless my Wheesa dream, though. Wheesa’s not my bias OTP, but bless them.

Happy new year~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


For the last couple of months, and ever since I started making my own chai at home, I’ve been obsessed over ginger. I’ve always been a fan of commercial ginger ale, but it was on my trip to Japan this past March when I had a cold bottle of Asahi Wilkinson Ginger Ale at Itasoba Kaoriya (板蕎麦 香り家) in Ebisu (Tokyo), a place for soba suggested by uzaigaijin. :P After that, I spent my whole trip having ginger ale in Japan, on top of bottled Kirin Milk Tea, lol

Since then, I’ve been having ginger tea, and now— my cousin has started making ginger ice-cream as per my request xD A couple of weeks ago, my mother came over with half a bottle of Fever-Tree Premium Ginger Beer, which is just carbonated ginger water with some sugar. They also offer a Ginger Ale, as well as a Light Ginger Beer, so maybe the spice flavor is more intense on this one. I loveeeeee it.

The only bad thing is that it’s imported, so it’s kinda expensive~ considering there’s tons of locally-grown ginger, but the food industry (as an industry, not small commerce) is so lacking. It pains me to see snacks, ice creams and sodas of the same flavors churned over and over again with a different name.