I forgot to post this a while back, but this is a total feeling when you’re listening to music and the song comes up.

I forgot to post this a while back, but this is a total feeling when you’re listening to music and the song comes up.
It took a while, but
Happy 1000th fan!
If you aren’t following the list yet, you might discover a gem or two!
It’s been a LONG time since I shared anything here xD… but this sure is memorable. It’s also been a long time since I paid any attention to MTV or the VMAs. I have no idea who was doing what where, but since Missy Elliott just dropped Iconology [YT], there wasn’t a better time to catch up with news.
In a decade of forgettable American/Western mainstream music, and an even more forgettable MTV music era, it’s hard to come up with a magical moment that marked this decade… but this could be IT. It’s not the best in the history of VMAs, but it could be very well the best performance VMA has offered this decade.
Missy was, after all, at the top during the peak MTV performance years. Bless her soul. And bless her love for baby girl Aaliyah.
After years [1][2][3] of data; Yes, it’s Mamamoo’s fault. The positives, though, I have registered 31 more hours than I did last year with an extra 18 movies. My movie-watching in general got better because I managed to watch 132 brand new 2018 movies (compared to the 103 in 2017).
This year, I didn’t make any particular movie goal. Though, some of my favorite movies this year were Indian, as reflected by my latest highest ratings. No one has been able to surpass my love for Rene Liu’s Us and Them so far, though. It’s been an incredible year for… not movies made by Netflix, but they have expanded their distribution library enough to make it interesting.
My goal for this year is to increase the titles I watch; seeing that from this interview at Film Independent, the guy from IMDb states that “You should feel disappointed if you haven’t seen 700 movies in a particular year [laughs].” O.o I don’t feel half bad about registering half the amount of movies the guy from IMDb watches. Just saying.
Well, it’s been a long time. But I’m not letting October be the month of no posts, so here’s a little something~
Since my return to Kpop, I’ve become a lot more lethargic (plus, working overnight), so I’ve been trying to find that time again to run and exercise. Ranveer Singh, been the Master of Hype, has the two best songs to get ya pumping; and the crew at Exodus Artistry have a mix of both songs that’s the perfect workout!
So I’m back with a ton of work to catch up with… as you do when you go on vacation for 10-days to two weeks. I enjoyed my visit to the States— first time in Chicago, first time in NYC. Ate a lot, walked a lot, got a sunburn on my scalp as bald people do… in the City of Wind, nonetheless~ I also watched Wicked on Broadway! Saw Ashley Parker Angel xD (I was a pretty big O-Town follower, lol), and was thoroughly impressed with Amanda Jane Cooper and Jackie Burns~ I am most shocked Burns is in her late-30s because her voice sounded so young. I guess green make-up could help~
I ran into this clip of Burns performing The Adele Dazeem Medley for The Broadway Princess Party held last year. It’s mind-blowing. I thought I should share.
And they’re all wearing their suits. Blessed.
After the initial hiccup with the release of the Decalcomanie MV, we’ve put that behind us (but shouldn’t really, because it’s important to talk about these things). RBW has promised to release a brand new video once Decalcomanie (all CJ+Mamamoo uploads combined) reaches 3M views. At the moment, the CJ one has 1.127M while the Mamamoo one has 211k, so do the math.
Oh, and there’s also that one-shot M Countdown fancam.
Moonbyul looks so happy with all those layers of clothing and actual pair of pants. lol
I can’t wait for all the other performances, once the jitters of the first performance has gone.
I know it’s horrible to say this, but I’ve been wasting a lot of time watching (and re-watching) Mamamoo clips on YouTube — thank you, Mamamoo Trans, Mamamoo Comedy and Rara Dish. You’ve reduced my productivity hours. You guys are awesome and hilarious.
I’ve just re-watched this re-upload of MMMTV from 2014 near Xmas. It’s glorious, I could watch Mamamoo rehearse all those two hours without editing.
My dream is that Marca Peru, who has -for a number of failed years- tried to lure Asian tourist into the marvelous sights of our country, will get in touch with Mamamoo, pay them their sponsor fees on top of 3 months to tour the WHOLE country. Eat (weird things, among others)… because turns out Mamamoo girls love choncholi~ though they say they love “intestine soup” (it sounds to me like ‘desang tang’ but I couldn’t find the actual name of the dish) and we eat intestines more like their Gopchang Gui (곱창구이) counterpart.
Imagine three months of Mamamoo travel adventures sailing the Amazon river, sand-boarding, visiting the sea lions of Paracas, visiting Machu Picchu; eating anticuchos, choncholi, picarones, all our varieties of ceviche (conchas negras ‘black conch,’ paiche), Arequipa soups, Juanes, Tacacho with cecina, high on sugar of perfect manjar blanco, suspiro a la limeña, and enchant them with a their daily dose of Queso Helado (‘frozen cheese’ that is not literally frozen cheese, but just milk and cinnamon ice cream). Just feed Mamamoo and let them be hyperactive, record it and present it as a 15-episode variety program of cross-cultural integration between Marca Peru and the Visit Korea program.
End the thing with a small unplugged concert. Ta-da! Broadcast tourism program~
Or we can just get Donnie Yen.