Will also keep this updated.

*Updated every February 5th.
Customary MUBI list.
Yu’s officially three-decades-old… but still is as cute as ever, even though she’s trying to be all grown-up and stuff. Just sit her in front of a nice matcha shaved-ice with red beans (or a velvety choco-purin), and you’ll get her all giddy.
That’s exactly what happened when promoting Dr. Rintaro on the Japanese variety Pon! with co-star on-screen mom Atsuko Takahata, who -I must say- is hilarious, too. These are obviously via the Yu Aoi Chinese fans. Watch the video. It’s 10min. long and it takes a while to load (for me).
She also did the Lilo & Stitch voice-over event [1], and apparently got back together with someone from her Oha-girl days, so they did an Oha greeting! lol
Oh, man. I remember how much I used to love Yu-chan. xD I think I’m going to watch Climbing to Spring without subs, and hope to watch The Case of Hana & Alice now that it’s out on DVD.
I haven’t caught up with Dr. Rintaro since the first episode, but Yu-chan’s name has been going around on Twitter. Apparently — according to Twitter/Google/Bing translation — Yu is one of the actresses/actors who smoke. You know Japanese magazine rags, though, all text no images xD If anyone is shocked/surprised/following this, please do let me know. Otherwise, disregard. If Yu is, in fact, smoking… for years, hats off. Gurl, how do you keep yourself so young? Genes, I tell you, GENES!
In other news… The Case of Hana & Alice is (finally) coming out on DVD/BR disc in August.
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There’s also news that Yu-chan will be voicing a character (I suppose the female robot) in an upcoming Disney Channel Lilo & Stitch SP. Complete with Yu & Stitch photo [picture][link].
… and finally~
Cinematical has an interesting post asking “What’s your Favorite Disney Animated Feature since Lion King?” To which I have always said that I’ve enjoyed many of them. Mulan, Tarzan, Lilo & Stitch and The Emperor’s New Groove being possibly at the top of my list.
However, I have also enjoyed Treasure Planet — with it’s luscious sky-boarding animation. And I also remember I enjoyed Atlantis: The Lost Empire… though I don’t really recall a specific reason why. Maybe it was the bad guys and that most of the other characters were flawed.
I even went to the theater to catch Home on the Range, which I was disappointed it being the last ever 2D animated flick Disney was ever going to make… which it wasn’t. And I also enjoyed Brother Bear fine. I think Disney’s dismissal on the animation genre is that it ultimately began release straight-to-video 2d animated films making it seem like 2d Animation was no longer worthy of a theatrical release. Shame on you!
Add to that the fact that Disney characters weren’t ever really flawed, Aladdin was a thief (street rat) with a heart of gold~~~ Simba was a bit of a hothead, Quasi was… well, a hunchback… but that’s hardly a flaw. Tarzan didn’t speak English… but as storytelling advances and begins having characters that are good but not perfect, we want to see imperfect characters in a positive light. Characters like Mulan who was a little rebellious, and didn’t fit the mold she was supposed to fit, Kuzko who was selfish like no other… or Lilo who didn’t have many friends.
Also, check out Cinematical’s list of Disney Vets who should return to Disney.
After so many years of watching animated films, it feels like Dreamworks has found their winning formula of cheap thrills and decent box office numbers, and they’re sticking with it. Time and time again, they put out a piece with similar jokes, running gags, and uninspiring character design with little heart.
Continuing with the warm-up!
Woohoo!! Movie count is up to 41!!
Only 7 more to go~~~ xD
First, some observations. I noticed that I’ve only listed about 70 films (counting with some really REALLY bad ones there), and I had to cut to half of those… the results are kind of very American. You agree?
Most often than not, there’s a lack of foreign films in the Animated Feature (and in any other) field~ So how many times must we pass over great animation (not only for kids) to open our eyes? I started out with a qucik search for 2006 released animation (because I was discussing that year with a friend), but that didn’t do anything except make me skim through an article stating that “2006 was a great year for animation” – NOT! That there were 2 or 3 animated (3d CG) films each months totaling more than a dozen films of pretty much crappy quality… and if they were lucky they were worth a straight-to-dvd release is NOT a great year for animation. That just makes it a great year for movie business…
2006 was the year I began hating 3d animation, because everyone seemed to be releasing their 3d films JUST to cash in.
I ended up at the Academy Awards site to search all animated films nominated since the category began in 2001 with Shrek (the original not sequels) won. I also ended up on IMDb and their ‘Power Search’ tool to search for animated films with feature releases from the year.
Just been having too much fun singing these Hawaiian lyrics, so I’d better just post the lyrics here. LOL’ Has any of you tried singing in Hawaiian? Pronunciation is pretty much like in Japanese when you read Romaji, I think… You know like “Mahalo”, which is for thanking would be pronounced MAH-HA-LO, HA as in Japanese “Hajimemashite” and MAH as in “Matsuri”… I guess it’s way easier for Spanish speakers because our vowels A-E-I-O-U sound exactly the same, unlike English.
The only difference I’ve noticed is “W” which is pronounced like “V”, I think… oh, and all those apostrophes hahaha. Anyway, I leave you with the lyrics for He Mele No Lilo and Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride.