Archives For japan

And Yu Aoi Is Married~

June 5, 2019 — 1 Comment

No, it’s not a joke either, despite all the people doing double-takes when we all saw her name and her now-husband’s name, comedian Yamasato Ryota (山里亮太), trending worldwide on Twitter.

After apparently two-months of dating, Yu Aoi and Ryota Yamasato submitted their marriage registration on June 3rd. They were apparently introduce by Yu-chan’s Hula Girls co-star Shizuyo Yamazaki (山崎静代), who is also Yamasato’s comedic partner in their comedy duo [1].

Here’s a picture of the both of them on some variety they did not so long ago.

Congratulations! Took us all by surprise!

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I’m ready to vote! I received the most digital screeners this year so far, so it’s been easier (and it’s made it lazy-proof) to sit through dozens of screeners. Plus, Netflix has a lot of the nominated movies readily available too. This year is possibly my best award season ballot in my history of keeping up with ballots. lol

It’s not only my Spirit Awards ballot~

I also have a pretty complete Oscar ballot. lol

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It’s unbelievable how quickly the year has come to an end. And though there’s still so many hours of un-watched films, we must all begin sharing our End of the Year lists.

As per tradition, here’s my 2018 music highlights. As Jocelle pointed out, might change drastically midway through 2019. LOL Remember when Su Yunying released an album on December 31st? Chinese people got no chills.

Happy listening!

I thought I might have bought my last Shiina bluray last time, but I guess not? It does look like I might add Shiina Ringo & The Others Dwell: The Air Pocket Zone (椎名林檎と彼奴等の居る真空地帯) [HMV JP] to my collection because I cannot resist.

Damn, Japan. You got too much time in your hands xD

Everyone’s a big Pythagora Switch fan~ and Asahi Kasei has taken promoting their plastic wrap and ziploc bags to Pythagora levels with this commercial.

Complete title is まいにちを、たいせつに~キッチンのからくりじかけムービー~全篇

Original upload was located at

Look who’s playing her Solar Emotions LP


I’m a stan. I have decided to stan forever. LOL Well, at least a few years. A few years in this day and age is an awfully long time, which is practically forever. I’ve seen relationships that have lasted less than my two and a half years as a moomoo. xD

I’ve been a fan of Yu Aoi for a decade now [1][2]. I’m expecting my moomoo status to be just as long.

If they ever do an event here. I’m done for. LOL I’ve been wanting to feed them my whole moomoo life, as the Grandma Radish that I seem to be turning into.

Damn you, Solar, you making me cry for picking that song for Solar Gamsung. LOL

Like- the song on its own is super sad, but it works well with its video… but the Japanese version? Literally, Nada Sou Sou. xD With the Shamisen, and the goddamn subs in Spanish. ToT

Makes me miss my dad so much.

Me acostumbré a rezarle a la primera estrella, al atardecer miro al cielo y con el corazón lleno te busco. En la tristeza y la alegría, pienso en esa sonrisa; si desde donde te encuentras, me puedes ver, yo viviré creyendo que seguro nos encontraremos algún día.

GINZA has just published a piece titled REDI no Shozo (レディの肖像, Portrait of a Lady) by Tomoko Kurose; and two black & white shots by Yasuhide Kuge. It’s a rare interview because it’s actually readable in Google Translate, lol. She talks about taking photos (she’s bad at it), what feelings she gets shooting movies and working on stage, how she perceives herself, a bit on her childhood, her work on voice-acting for animation… some talk on Penguin Highway and her speech for the Japanese Academy Award win where she talked about movies and being bullied.

Give it a read.

Amy the celebrity-endorsements-don’t-work-on-me is back XD and must reveal that now I drink much more caffeine than before (I blame Turkish coffee) and I’ve been drinking Soju. Damn it, Korea. And I begin talking about drinks because Yu-chan has a brand new sponsor in Asahi for their Asahi Mogitate (アサヒもぎたて) campaign. “Mogitate” means “fresh-picked,” and it’s the name of their new ‘ready-to-drink’ (RTD) product— Chuuhai aimed at women. The err… Drinks Association in Australia (?) has a really explanatory post on Asahi’s road to design the perfect RTD that women (and men) want to buy.

I didn’t know the beer market in Japan had been shrinking. This is first news to me. Recommended watch: The Birth of Sake. Also, you gotta read about the Japanese whisky market and prices. Japan and their collectors’ stuff.

Chuuhai, on the other hand~~~

I do wonder if Yu-chan still sponsors Kirin xD

Here’s the most recent one titled Mogitate and Summer Veggies Curry (もぎたてと夏野菜カレー)

There’s also a Making Of xD

The first one out back in early May is called Mogitate and Young Bamboo Shoots (もぎたてと白子たけのこ) after the break~

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I’ve been watching NHK’s asadora, Hanbun Aoi (半分、青い。), intermittently like I always tend to do. At first, Mei Nagano made me think of a grown-up Ashida Mana which made no sense… even though Mana-chan is enormous and the last time I saw her it made me feel like those parents who watch their children turn into teenagers in horror. lol

But now I was watching the most recent episode of Tsurube no Kazoku ni Kanpai (鶴瓶の家族に乾杯) on NHK Premium, and she was featured wearing an up-do samurai bun, white baggy clothes; so relaxed, enjoying her snacks, a dip of her feet in onsen water, greeting fans and playing other young girls. Dorky charisma, yo~ It takes a special ability to have people younger than you to “kawaiiiiiiiiii” you so sincerely. LOL