It took a while, but

Happy 1000th fan!

If you aren’t following the list yet, you might discover a gem or two!
It took a while, but
Happy 1000th fan!
If you aren’t following the list yet, you might discover a gem or two!
I only caught a bit of Sunday’s Golden Globes, and none of the red carpet so… I missed Evan. But I did see the picture of her outfit, and totally dig her outfit and attitude. Seems like Evan’s coming back with a vengeance~
Look at THAT! I love it.
I had this picture stored for a couple of weeks already, and forgot to post. Over 13 years ago, I was a really REALLY big fan of Evan Rachel Wood xD It was probably during one of the seasons of Once & Again, I remember I’ve rented a whole bunch of her movies, so when I moved to Vancouver, I was ecstatic to be actually able to watch Thirteen on the big screen. During my time there, I probably watched all her movies at the cinema :P
It was on and off after leaving Canada, I still managed to watch a whole bunch of her films, but there was a period when I didn’t know anything about her. I didn’t know I missed her until I caught Into the Forest, and I was super psyched to hear that she was gonna be in HBO’s Westworld. Usually, HBO and I are not that compatible, but I caught the first episode [and read that list of actors, phew!], and I liked it quite a bit, so I’ll definitely catch the whole season when it’s done.
Too much awesomeness into one.
What made it to the list and where it placed? Some of my biggest biases placed lower than expected, and some that I don’t want to be my bias placed high on there~
I really can’t remember exactly when I started out the Top Flicks About Chicks list on MUBI, but it must have been around the same time I wrote how Chick Flicks was a doomed genre in regards of critics. So it might be almost 4 years… and I’ve finally reached 300 titles in the list!!!
A Chick Flick should center on little girls, girls, young women and women… as students, as neighbors, as friends, as daughters, as granddaughters, as sisters, as mothers, as lovers. They are simply women. With that alone, we can tell all sort of other stories that have little to do with romantic comedies.
The purpose of the list, of course, was to encompass an array of female character — not only in the binary sense, since the list also includes men/boys who identify as women/girls… and viceversa — of various cultural, ethnic, social backgrounds. Not favoring one genre over the other, not valuing dramas over comedies… just simple stories about different women.
Though I’m sure the list could be longer, that’s 300 feature length films out of the 2896 (counting shorts) currently rated on the site- that’s roughly 10% so I suppose the list could expand to up to 500 or maybe 1000 once I reach 5000 or 10000 rated films on the site.
1. Treeless Mountain 2. Welcome to the Dollhouse 3. Juliana 4. Labyrinth 5. Fuckin’ Amal 6. Mirrormask 7. Gun Hill Road 8. Pariah 9. Bend it like Beckham 10. Swing Girls 11. The Land of the Deaf 12. Sunny 13. Whip It 14. Stoker 15. Maria Full of Grace 16. Breaking the Waves 17. My Marlon and Brando 18. 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days 19. Dil Bole Hadippa! 20. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo 21. Kotoko 22. Violeta Went to Heaven 23. Skin 24. Raise the Red Lantern 25. Incendies
I picked 25 of the 300 films to illustrate some of the variety (I hope it’s AS varied as I intend the list to be), though I ran out of picks and couldn’t include any of the ‘older’ female characters. If I could pick 5 more, they’d be: Lemon Tree, Frozen River, Late Bloomers, Mother, For 80 Days.
I’ve got some pretty nice recommendations to share.
You know I love Joan Crawford, I said the same thing when this project was announced, and even if I can girlcrush on Kate Winslet, and I’m an Evan Rachel Wood enthusiast — not as fervent as a few years back — I’m still holding on judgement because HBO does good.
First of all, I don’t remember any subtext from the mother/daughter relation from the movie. And also… is it only a little weird Winslet is like just a couple of years older than Rachel McAdams, and that Evan Rachel Wood is just a few years younger than McAdams, are playing Mother/Daughter? xD Just a tiny bit Mexican Telenovela? Actually, no – Mexican Telenovelas are out of control. The actress playing a mother can be 35 and the actress playing the daughter can be 25, and you’re supposed to buy it. Even worse, you’re 50 and you’re supposed to have a 25-year-old granddaughter. xD
At least Winslet looks like she’s been not been madeup for glamor or a party.
not tagging this as trailer yet xD
There’s a new list posted on Hollywood News (?) showcasing their Top10 Actresses Under the Age of 30. My main problem with the list is how BROAD the meaning of “Under 30” really is. With that title, you could have included Dakota Fanning since she began acting.
Their list is pretty unsurprising… except for maybe #2, whom… well, I’ve already argued on why I didn’t include her name in my 20 to Watch list on a site comment. And to agree with some of the comments made in the list,
Whadya know they’re all f-cking white.
I think it’s time for me to get cracking on that new list of mine.
You know, the series following 20 Actors Between 20-25 to Watch until They’re 30, as well as The Ten 20-to-Watch Who Didn’t Make it. How is that for specific? Some of my choices made it to their Top10
So how about some comments on who to add?
Rules are:
– Must be an actress… or actor – doing both lists at the same time
– Between the ages of 25-30
– Mostly work for film [but some TV work is ok]
– Awarded is nice, but not really mandatory
– Can work in any film industry around the world
– Must have interesting film projects lined up for the next year or two.
– Franchises are nice too… but mixed up with indie film work.
Like in the previous list, ranking is a mix of popularity, critically-acclaimed projects, how interesting are their roles, project brands [collabs with who, or what franchises], etc etc.