Archives For concert

Full Cycle YAM – 007

December 15, 2009 — 1 Comment

Congrats, Amy! You’ve made it a year!
Now please, get to work on that website you’ve been talking about all this time.

Yeah, where is Nate? Yeah, that. Nate and I are working on something else, which is nothing at the moment… just a random gig, which will hopefully fuel our bank accounts a bit and let us work on YAM fully for a month or two…


This is Julz 2nd straight cover. Hooray! Omedetou!!!

In it she covered the Stockholm Film Festival… met Susan Sarandon xD, there’s a Q&A with Sin Nombre director Cary Fukunaga, reviews for Precious, Up in the Air, Koreeda’s Air Doll, Map of the Sounds of Tokyo, The Cove, Thirst, Dexter Season 4, Sasameki Koto, Family Outing, Les Amants Papillons, 2pm, Shinee, Rihanna, The Swell Seasons, Crowd Lu and more! Oh yeah! There’s also a Julz BSB concert review of their Worldwide This Is Us tour, and some Eva Ayllon. Coz we love variety…

check it out over here.

That Was It for This Is It

October 28, 2009 — 1 Comment

I’m an MJ fan, I really am. I bought my copy of HIStory when I was around 10 — the first ever album I received as a birthday gift from my parents — and I’ve been fascinated as a kid since I saw him vanished as golden sand on the Remember the Time music video.

I was a bit hesitant to watch this because I knew tickets had been on pre-sale for a month, and I’m not the type to compete for tickets. After all, they did advertise “for two weeks only.” I checked schedule online only to find the 11pm shows listed ONLY, so I was pissed. I thought that they were not showing this for two weeks only, but also showing it on midnight shows ONLY, so I went to the theater to watch District 9 instead… to find out there were other times for This Is It — so I watched both.

Continue Reading…

Well, I don’t seem to have seen many films this time.
Hmm… I wonder why. I still haven’t made a countdown
of the music I’ve been listening to, so maybe I’ve been
busy with that. xD You know me, if I listen to much music,
I don’t have the time to watch many films, and if I read too
much, I don’t have the time to do either. LOL

So let’s begin… Continue Reading…

I’m jealous. Damn it!

Modern Sky Festival - Sing for China - Columbia University

More information about it here.
Chinese Indie bands Hedgehog, Queen Sea Big Shark (hahaha, name is funny), and Casino Demon will be performing. Not fair! How come No ONE comes here. Whatever~~~

Continue Reading…

It’s YAM Time #5!

August 15, 2009 — 8 Comments

Cheap Mambo #5 mention xD

Anyway~~ Here it is!!!
After much liver disease~~~

with Yu on the cover!
Happy early Bday, Yu~


In it, you’ll read more about Harry Potter 6 (against much of anyone’s Harmonian hearts, lol), Transformers 2, Moon (yeah, that last line kills me), and Public Enemies~ Snap! There’s also DBSK concert review, SNSD (which I always get a typo), Bibi, Seo Taiji, Clazziquai, Popular and more~~~

Head over here to download~~~

I know I’ve tagged this with “new talent” and “new music” when in fact it’s not.

First, a little about Han Hong – according to Chinese Wiki – She’s won the award for the Most Popular Female Singer, as well as the Best Female Artist Award (in mainland China). That means she’s critically acclaimed, and popular among the public – which doesn’t happen often on this side of the world. LOL

Her voice is often compared (by the fans) to Sarah Brightman for her unique style… music and lyrics. – and everyone loves Brightman… she was even on the Beijing Olympics Opening.

Now, a little on my story. I first noticed her at the Beijing Paralympic Opening Ceremony – with Andy Lau singing Flying with the Dream – but I didn’t have much luck getting her name or clips back then, so I kinda forgot about it until the day I was watching those music concerts on CCTV back in April and she appeared on stage. My mom thought what an amazing voice! While I added I had seen her in the Paralympic Ceremony… totally forgetting she’s also featured on the Beijing Welcomes You music video (thank you, whoever did those annotations! It’s hard to keep track of so many singers…) – Anyway, that day… I ended up discovering Chris Lee instead of Han Hong… but the wait is OVER!

Since the beginning, I’ve always thought she had an amazing voice, but the video above moved me so much. It gave me shivers, and almost brought tears to my eyes. No, really. It’s THIS video in particular… this performance. She’s an amazing vocalist! I would love to see her perform with Sarah Brightman herself, or maybe even the lovely women of Celtic Woman – or Meav *tsk tsk*

I’m not completely sold on her videos – like on most vocalist I follow – but her live performances are so much more worth it. Here are some of her other performances…

Qinghai Tibetan Plains

I dunno if my wallet is, though~~~ xD

I haven’t bought anything non-Asian for… I dunno how long. xP

Bjork - Voltaic

Wow, I still can’t believe I saw Bjork live, right in front hahaha for real. Nearly two years ago~~~ *sighs* – Anyway, here’s the link where you can see the video… it does get you pumping~ WEEEEEE


Does that say enough to you? Really, read the editor’s note. Lots of things on this new issue… new problems, new films, new music…

Reviews of films from the blockbuster season… Star Trek, Wolverine, Terminator Salvation, Up~~~ Brothers Bloom. Short film reviews, concert reviews… of Kiss in Lima. Music reviews of The Sounds, Green Day, Shiina Ringo… a bunch of K-pop courtesy of Julz~~~ off you go to Japan!!! WOOOOO – there’s Life on Mars, House M.D. and my more “professional” review of Yu Aoi’s Portugirl.


Head over here.


Freaking bouncers… *note to self* always kick around to get a photographing wristband so bouncers don’t bug. I went to shoot Brett Anderson last night, and well – I actually had never heard of him before I heard he was coming over.

It was pretty good… though I liked the guitarist better. LOL – He was a great subject tonight, and his shots are some of my favorite of the night… which is running long. I really need to go to sleep, but I wanted to post the set =D

I’m sorry I couldn’t get a clear shot of the drummer… no lights pointing at him whatsoever!

and~~~ I dunno why I like this shot so much. xD


If MJ Came to Peru,

April 13, 2009 — Leave a comment

Will You Be There?

Sorry, couldn’t resist that one~~

Despite all the crazy, I would go. I would pay to see Michael Jackson – just like there’s people saying they’d pay to see Britney Spears in Lima. Really? After the shennanigans in Vancouver? ~~~ but oh those possibilities of rock with your cock out. LOL’

ANYWAY, I don’t know how much I’d be willing to pay to see MJ on stage… perhaps it will have a broad price range like many of the more ‘popular’ concerts. I’d be wiling to pay $50 for some okay ticket… I’m not crazy enough as some MJ fans. Plus, it’ll be tough to compete with them~~

By the by, have you heard? Jonas Brothers sold like 20K tickets in 4hrs in Peru. Prices raging from 1300-ish Soles ($430ish USD) to 50-ish soles ($15ish USD). I’m so glad I’m not a parent, and so glad my younger cousin doesn’t find boys an interesting subject… yet. LOL

Also Disney flat out denied that they are building a park in Peru. LOL’ Just thought I’d put this out there just in case…