Archives For biography

A while back I was able to catch a viewing of Tom Volf’s Maria by Callas documentary, which I adored. Some time last year (near my birthday?), I got to catch a special screening of Callas – Paris, 1958, which we got to see alongside a very very very tiny group of people ^^’

And, of course, I made sure to watch Pablo Larrain’s Maria before the year was over, because why not.

It’s the perfect Maria Callas triple feature-

  • The divine diva of Callas – Paris, 1958
  • Maria seen through the eyes of Callas in Maria by Callas
  • The human being in Maria.

My absolute favorite sequence in Larrain’s depiction is probably the whole segment at JFK’s birthday party. Though Maria’s scene with her sister is devastating.

I was just staring into space in the middle of the night, unable to sleep, and it hit me that it’s been ten years— It’s my 10th anniversary for a lot of things: it’s my tenth anniversary of Juri Ueno~~~ and Last Friends turned 10 this year! It’s also ten years since the Beijing Olympics, ten years since Beijing, Beijing! Wo Ai Beijing; it’s been ten years since BiBi, ten years of YAM Magazine, and ten-mother-freaking-years since I became a fan of Yu Aoi [1][2][3][4][5]. It didn’t come in this order, but you get the idea.

May 16th is the date. Remember that. This should’ve been posted that day, but I’m way to giddy to wait. It’s taken me a long time to sit down and look back at years of archives to update this entry, but I suppose it still beats trying to figure out how to write a comprehensive Wikipedia entry.

Yu-chan and I, we’ve had our ups and downs, but I’ve always tried to stay as loyal as possible. LOL I may not stalk her tags online 24/7 (all my Japanese sources in English are rubbish now) and my Japanese skills are in the gutter, but I’ve managed to remain the biggest English/Spanish-speaking Yu Aoi fan in this side of the hemisphere (if not the world, xD). It’s been a good ride, Yu-chan. I’m looking forward to all the catching-up of all your latest movies. Here’s to another decade with Yu!

Cheap Yu-puns intended~

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It’s a five-year fandom anniversary!

and I’ve just gotten EXTRA lazy now. These are the links to Yu’s previous Wiki entries [1][2].

I know that over the years (especially the last two), I have been lazying around not stalking enough news and being always late. Though some fans have disappeared from the internet, I still appreciate some of you lurkers.

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Oh, man~

Can you believe it? It’s been three years since. I had a good Yu Aoi weekend. I watched Raiou once again, and it just struck me how Yu-chan is growing up on screen. Those who see the movie know what I’m talking about. LOL

Anyway, I decided to update Yu’s Wikipedia bio (remember this from 2 years ago?) – but I’m not posting it there because I’m lazy and I hate Wikipedia format, so if you want to take info… take it and paste it there.

I also wanted to make a PDF out of it hahaha, but of course – I haven’t had time for that. I wanted to do a layout… with photos, and stuff. Make it pretty like a book. xD But oh well…

Anyhoo~ here goes~

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*sighs* I am truly tired.

I just spent all afternoon, and apparently… night, so~~~ I spent all day writing Yu’s Wikipedia entry. Unless you’re reading this at the proper time, the entry might have gotten edited or deleted by now. Man~ writing a bio is tough, and worse of all is that Wikipedia markup language. It sucks, SUCKS! I tell you! It actually took hours because of that Wikipedia format~~~

I also had to search for references… and try to read Japanese. LOL’
Also, that damn table… I still need to work on it, at least for the TV work and Awards.

So~~~ in case it gets deleted. Yu’s complete bio by Amy below the break ;P
Also, planning a Spanish version *laughs*

Aoi Yu (born Natsui Yu August 17, 1985) is a Japanese actress and model from Kasuga, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan. She made her film debut as Shiori Tsuda in Shunji Iwai’s 2001 film All About Lily Chou Chou. She became widely known for playing Tetsuko Arisugawa in Hana & Alice (2004) – also directed by Shunji Iwai, as well as Kimiko Tanikawa in the hula-dancing film Hula Girls, and Hagu in the 2006 live action adaptation of the popular Honey & Clover manga series.

In 2009, Aoi was named Rookie of the Year in the field of Films in Media and Fine Arts by The Ministry of Education , Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan.

Continue Reading… went all overboard with this year’s April Fools joke. Funniest thing ever. You can head over here to experience it… or in case it’s gone~~ here’s a capture.

You almost got me there, guys~~~ - April Fools' joke - Variety

New-old articles up

September 25, 2007 — Leave a comment

I’ve given up, this is what I’ve been working for a while… Continue Reading…