Archives For aoi miyazaki

A 2001 film of a girl named Sachiko (Aoi Miyazaki) who befriends a street kid, and the things happening around her due to things she’s done and witnessed in her short past.

Genre: Drama
Starring: Aoi Miyazaki, Seiichi Tanabe, Tetsu Sawaki, Ryo Amamiya, Koji Ishikawa, Yu Aoi
Duration: 1:30hr

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Well, in the meantime while I figure out my video ripping…

I’ll leave you with a cute CM with Aoi Miyazaki and Yu Aoi, who… of course! worked together in the… 2000? 2001? Gaichu (Harmful Insect).

I really like both Aoi’s work, and I am actually watching Atsu-Hime on NHK (whenever I catch it on). People seem to want to make them compete? Both are good, but Miyazaki might be a tad more known… I noticed many of her films on DVD do include English and even French subs, while Yu’s are not subtitled at all – is that a cause or a result? Subtitles are EVERYTHING for broad distribution, I think.

Anyway… geez! How cute is this CM? They both know each other for 5, 6 years?


Jul 25

Do You Know Your Asians?

Lainey does not have a grandma named Mrs. Wong.

See, even us Asians can’t tell their Asians apart. As I said in the last post, it was the 16th anniversary of the restaurant. We went to eat meat… loads of meat, which was also bad for my jaw.

Anyway, it was a big ass table, so I sat next to my cousin. We got to talking about school, music, economy, eco solutions, and stupid people, among other topics, like Japanese, Korean and Chinese. I told them it was getting harder to tell each apart because everyone is getting a slicker style. However, my cousin was proud to admit that he could tell them apart, which I refused to believe~~

I asked him once again, Continue Reading…