Archives For ueno juri

Shinobu Yaguchi’s work will be showing in Lima thanks to IX Ciclo Anual de Cine Japones, by el Centro Cultural Peruano Japones. Why is this important??? Because Swing GIrls is a Juri Ueno film!

Better late than never, non?

You can check their calendar in the website.

Waterboys will be showing on July 10 (Thursday) (video here *SPOILER ALERT*)
Swing Girls will be showing on July 24 (Thursday) (video here *SPOILER ALERT*)

Auditorio Dai Hall, Centro Cultural Peruano Japonés.
Av. Gregorio Escobedo 803, Jesús María.

7.30 pm (19.30hrs)


Okay, so it’s official. I am RASUTO FURENZing people one at a time… and now that the last episode is approaching, I’m telling you right now! I’m coming to get ya! When I read about the show, and the controversy, I knew I had to watch. I was in a pickle when I saw the first two episodes, when damn! I realized the show had just started showing, and I had to wait for the next episode… and I’ve been waiting for the last 8 episodes.

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How This Blog Works~

June 10, 2008 — 1 Comment

Just a little bit on how this blog works. I haven’t properly blog, about me or my work… other than the occasional rant, you could say this is a very subjective variety blog. The topics are usually varied, but I get fanatical from time to time… mainly because there’s no one to talk with…

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So just a while ago I saw Ep09 of Last Friends, but don’t worry! No spoilers in this post~~ Besides, there were no subs, so I probably don’t have any idea what they talked about~ I just cracked up with this following scene so much that I had to share with you guys.

If you’re a fan of Disney, you might notice or remember this song in the clip is a play on the famous Zip-Ah-Dee-Doo-Dah song on the infamous non-dvd-released Song of the South. You can actually find a torrent of the film thanks to someone’s hard-working-self who digitized the film.

Aren’t Eri, Michiru and Takeru the cutest singing??? And I just laugh so much when Eri goes “Ruka! Ruka!” xD

Films Seen 2008!

May 15, 2008 — 1 Comment

Crossed some films on my “Want to See” list. Continue Reading…

I have been watching one of the latest Japanese Dramas (JDrama), Last Friends… or RASUTO FURENZU as its read Katakana name. It is the first Asian drama I have seen (Chinese, Korean… or any other) – and despite the fact that I have seen my fair amount of Asian films, or listened to music in an Asiatic language. Last Friends is my first EVER Asian Soap… or as I call it, my AsiaNovela.

Last Thursday, we saw the fifth episode… so I have been roughly watching this weekly for the past month, and I can’t wait for more! Continue Reading…