Archives For show recs

When Hannibal started airing, I gave the show a watch (the first two episodes seemed like a lot) but since it seemed to stressed me a lot, I decided to stop watching and not be waiting for the latest episode, like I used to do for some of my now-not-so-current television watching. And though I had decided to not watch the show, I found myself catching the episodes on the weekend showings on AXN Latin America.

Two episodes a sitting- it doesn’t even matter if you skip a week, since you can catch up the next week! And it’s perfectly timed with my dinner on Sundays, so I don’t get eerily hungry whenever they show Hannibal cooking.


During the commercial for tonight’s episode, Dr. Alana Bloom talks to Will about her decision to not pursue him as a love interest… because he’s unstable. And obviously, as a Wonderfalls fan [1], I immediately though of Jaye as a crazy person. It’s like a perfect conversation!



This is the first time I ever found the Japanese name of this show. Kodomo Ningyougekijou (こどもにんぎょう劇場) or Children’s Puppet Theater, known in Peru (and maybe Latin America) as Me lo Contaron en Japon.

Though the DVDs are available on Amazon Japan — at a whopping price of nearly $50USD (over 4500 Yen) per volumen at 3 episodes a bundle [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12], which results into over $600USD for 36 episodes. WHY, Japan? According to its Wikipedia page, the show possibly has over 50 episodes, running from 1990 to 2011.

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I’m in the mood for some Sally singing Susan, The Happy Trotting Elf~

Though, moment starts exactly at 1:11

I’m Susan the happy trotting elf! I trot and trot, and bounce and bounce, and smile a lot, and that’s what counts! I’m Susan the happy trotting smile a-lotting elf! I’m polite so just for clarity, when I’m cross I say “Apparently!”


It’s because I love Dexter that I’m willing to do whatever it takes to protect him from you. I’m not gonna give up until your murdering a** is behind bars for good. That’s how we’re gonna work out our issues. But hey, thanks for stopping by.


Forget about shipping, that was an excellent season finale. Utterly depressing, but highly remarkable last scene.

Deb: What are you doing?
Dex: What needs to be done.
Deb: Are you gonna kill her?
Dex: You need to leave, I need to finish this.
Deb: Fuck, Jesus. You can’t do this.
Dex: It’s the only solution, the only way to end this.
Deb: I can’t let you through with this.
LaGuerta: Shoot him, Deb. You have to end this. Shoot him. This is not who you are. You’re a good cop, you’re a good person. You’re not like him. Put him down!
Dex: It’s true, everything she said. You’re a good person. It’s okay.

Tory: Madam President, in my opinion, people vote their hopes, not their fears. Baltar is offering them what they want to hear, and you’re offering them a bitter reality.

Roslin: I’m offering them the truth.

Tory: They don’t want to hear the truth. They’re tired, exhausted. The idea of stopping, laying down their burdens, and starting a new life right now is what is resonating with the voters.

Battlestar Galactica: Elections and Hope

Googling about (as always), I ran into this Best of Beakman’s World collection [1], split into 6-part 10-min clips~ lo and behold! Complete episodes of Beakman’s World Español Latino dubs [1]!!! Because El Mundo de Beakman just melted my brain with the idea that the dubbing voice of Will Smith (Juan Alfonso Carralero, who just happened to be on TV last week as the voice of Viggo Mortensen in A History of Violence xD) was ALSO the voice of Beakman.

Plus, there’s also Laura Torres. O_O

I miss children programming like Beakman’s World — I know there are a few “science educational” children programs out there, but all of them lack the sense of fun and wonder that Beakman had. :(

This is another reason why the 90s rocked so much.

Also… RIP, my dear Ratson.

Woah, long time no see, eh?

Let’s see if I remember how to do this. First, because the Yu Aoi posts always get the most hits, I pimp the RSS subscriptions. There’s no better way to keep updated than by subscribing. So~ here you go, Google and Yahoo.

Also, don’t forget the poll on the side (if there’s one), and support the site by buying stuff – not necesarilly what I suggest… but you can click those Amazon, YesAsia and/or HMV HK banners, and buy whatever you want. Also, I’m not allowed to say this but… ad my clicks, if you know what I mean. ;P

Here we are, 2 years after the broadcast of Yu Aoi’s WOWOW drama Camouflage — also known as Yu Aoi x 4 Lies. If you are interested to know, Viikii allowed Saltine to post softsubs for it. Though the last episode (ep12) is the only one missing… it’s a HUGE improvement. So thank you Saltine.

Okay, moving on!

Chapter 3 — aka. ep7 through ep9 — is titled AKABANE San Shimai or The 3 Akabane Sisters, directed by director Nobuhiro Yamashita (Linda Linda Linda). The concept of this chapter is to tell the story of 3 sisters — Older and reliable Matsuko aka. Macchan aka. Matsu-nei (Shoko Ikezu), Takeko aka. Take-nei (Yoshimi Nozaki) , and free-spirited Umeko (Yu Aoi), who don’t always get along that well, but always makeup by the end, in the style of old comedy shows that last for several years. The first episode is actually the first ficticious episode of the show titled “Sayonara Okada Sensei” which has the sisters returning from the funeral of their old 6th grade teacher… Continue Reading…

No software for work at the moment… so I’m watching clips on YouTube.
No need for office time for YouTube surfing, right?

Don’t miss out on Steve’s rant.

I still think I’m a combo of Sally, Susan and Steve all together.

Non YouTube link.

On April 13~~~

Strangely enough, it wasn’t that bad… but now, after these teases.
The wait is gonna get worse. These will be the most Glee-less weeks ever.

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