Archives For peru


So I finally re-watched Inside Out in Original English audio track, and the feelings for Bing Bong were more real than ever. When I originally went to the theater to catch it in one of the late at night shows, it was still presented in Spanish dub and parents with children were still there. One of them parents ruined the movie for me when, at the moment of said tears, his daughter (seating behind us) began to tear up. He did what parents shouldn’t do—- he shamed his kid saying “why are you crying? Is this a scary movie?

Eff you, dad. Let your kid cry, it’s a freaking emotional scene in the movie. And who the eff cries in scary movies? Se dice “ya pasó, ya pasó” so you can calm your kid down.

Really makes me think of never ever going to big movies because people can ruin your experience.

Identity and DNA

July 1, 2016 — 4 Comments

We’re living in a world obsessed with identity, origins and DNA. I’m starting to believe this is a conspiration to get us all to test our DNAs -paying and very much willingly- to see where we ‘really come from.’ No, like- really, where YOU REALLY come from. First it was this overly dramatic flights company, Momondo ad. Followed by this DNA test Buzzfeed video, which got me really really wondering.

Then this Joanna Rants Flama video about hyphen identities~~~ with a shout out to Asian-Peruvian (Protestant)! xD Which in the end sent my head spinning mainly because of my dad’s side. Peruvian isn’t really a racial identity, though some would differ. I don’t know much about my dad’s side of the family, but I know more than my mom’s side~~~ one thing is certain, I’m positively certain my mom is 99,9% East Asian xD which makes me, at least, half East Asian (if not half full Chinese, despite having two Chinese last names~)

I know my grandpa on my dad’s side was mixed Chinese and I know my grandma on his side was mixed Spanish-Afro-Peruvian, but not certain on percentages. I’ll have to ask my aunt around now. But that would make my dad, at least, half Spanish creole (if not more) Afro-Chinese Peruvian xD and that would make me…… Chinese Spanish creole Afro-Peruvian? xD A Queer Catholic-by-culture Franciscan-by-school Agnostic Chinese Spanish Creole Afro-Peruvian. And that doesn’t even paint the political colors. xD

But interesting.

I’m totally into the idea of finding out what’s in me, but at the same time, I’ve been watching too much Orphan Black. lol

I know it’s horrible to say this, but I’ve been wasting a lot of time watching (and re-watching) Mamamoo clips on YouTube — thank you, Mamamoo Trans, Mamamoo Comedy and Rara Dish. You’ve reduced my productivity hours. You guys are awesome and hilarious.

I’ve just re-watched this re-upload of MMMTV from 2014 near Xmas. It’s glorious, I could watch Mamamoo rehearse all those two hours without editing.

My dream is that Marca Peru, who has -for a number of failed years- tried to lure Asian tourist into the marvelous sights of our country, will get in touch with Mamamoo, pay them their sponsor fees on top of 3 months to tour the WHOLE country. Eat (weird things, among others)… because turns out Mamamoo girls love choncholi~ though they say they love “intestine soup” (it sounds to me like ‘desang tang’ but I couldn’t find the actual name of the dish) and we eat intestines more like their Gopchang Gui (곱창구이) counterpart.

Imagine three months of Mamamoo travel adventures sailing the Amazon river, sand-boarding, visiting the sea lions of Paracas, visiting Machu Picchu; eating anticuchos, choncholi, picarones, all our varieties of ceviche (conchas negras ‘black conch,’ paiche), Arequipa soups, Juanes, Tacacho with cecina, high on sugar of perfect manjar blanco, suspiro a la limeña, and enchant them with a their daily dose of Queso Helado (‘frozen cheese’ that is not literally frozen cheese, but just milk and cinnamon ice cream). Just feed Mamamoo and let them be hyperactive, record it and present it as a 15-episode variety program of cross-cultural integration between Marca Peru and the Visit Korea program.

End the thing with a small unplugged concert. Ta-da! Broadcast tourism program~

Or we can just get Donnie Yen.

They all come to me~ xD

Bjork, Miyavi, Big Bang, JeA~ Too bad I don’t have my dad to be my music companion :( He would’ve loved seeing Laura Marling in a cozy musical setting. He was that kind of person. We would also be waiting for Adele, Shiina Ringo and Faye Wong. lol

Hace años luz que no escribo algo en español (o contundente) en este blog.

¿Por qué el título de “las alternativas asiáticas sin chifa“? Porque tengo cierto nivel de ética pues. Muchos de nosotros tendremos nuestros favoritos (cuando escribimos de películas, de música, de actores, etc.), si un bloguero/periodista/crítico es amigo/conocido del tema principal de una publicación, pues es ético decir “Es mi pata. Yo lo conozco.” Será por eso… o ¿sencillamente será porque no me gusta conocer gente y disfruto de ser introvertida?

La cosa es que, los que me conocen saben que tengo relación con uno o más chifas– familiares, amigos, amigo de un amigo, primos de un amigo, etc. Así que es por eso que ésta es la lista de comida asiática en Lima sin contar los miles de restaurantes chinos que hay. ¡Bada-bim bada-boom!


A mi me gusta comer… no desde hace mucho— como todos (o la mayoría), era quisquillosa. Al graduarme de la secundaria, me fui a vivir a la ciudad canadiense de Vancouver (casi) por mi cuenta; primero, con una tía abuela, y luego sola. Ser quisquilloso (hasta los 17 años) para comer en una ciudad como Vancouver es difícil, especialmente si no sabes cocinar y todos tus amigos han crecido comiendo cosas distintas. Fue ahí, sorprendentemente, que creo que me convertí en foodie. Poco a poco, pero llegué.

Desde mi regreso, el boom gastronómico no solo se dio en la cocina peruana tradicional— todos le damos fuerte; los anticuchos, el ceviche, un buen shambar, o un buen juane con su presa de gallina. ¡Uy! El boom gastronómico también se dio en la comida asiática. Ayuda que el Kpop haya entrado con fuerza con el Hallyu Wave, pero también la colonia japonesa se abrió al paladar… aunque no estoy segura si atribuírselo al anime.

Así que comencemos… ésta es una lista de años de investigación. No hay ni una lista publicada que ofrezca tantas opciones, y por supuesto- como tomó tanto tiempo, muchas de las listas originales ya han cambiado. ¡Ja! Pero la mayoría se ha mantenido en un 90%.

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My Life in Music

August 2, 2015 — Leave a comment

Will keep this list updated here.

I won’t lie to you- I searched for “Naked Beef” first, then for “Beef Naked” LOL

I had been using my wiz google skills to try to find some songs released circa mid early millennium (2000-2002), once that failed a couple of times, I went in deep into my disc backups. After some digging around through old-OLD really purani school files… which were mostly poorly labeled (Hey! I found a Psy and Jolin Tsai tracks with no names downloaded circa 2005), I found what I was looking for et more~

What’s rare and I might post?

  • Amanda Latona – Can’t Take it Back
  • Amanda Mumba – Everybody Doesn’t
  • Ano – 4 tracks of Fruits from the Tree
  • Marit Larsen & Marion Raven – Synger Kjente (or ten tracks off it)
  • Out of your Mouth – Music (Madonna Cover)
  • Tangleroot (20 tracks)
  • The Sunwater Diaries [1] (2 tracks)
  • Capitanes de Lata (the Gloria Maria Solaris children play)

so if any of those search words bring you here, let me know.

Anyway, down the rabbit hole of Amy’s memory lane that included pop, country, r&b, hard rock, metal, electro hip hop rock and what not~ I realized that I have Canadian years gap compared to many of my friends, knowing Canadians bands that had only-Canadian hits between 2003-2006. Out of your Mouth (above), GOB, Our Lady Peace, Billy Talent, Barlow [1] are some…

… and of course I remembered this video of Bif Naked. I knew she was ingrained in my mind because of Buffy, but this video for Tango Shoes and Bif Naked on a tank cruising through downtown Vancouver, Pender St. with spottings of Tinseltown and whatnot. Can’t get more Canadian than that. I remember seeing the video on Much.

Oh, man~ it does take me back.

Oh, Happy Chinese New Year! Let’s start my (supposedly) bad-luck Goat Year with the now-mandatory Letterboxd list of my film collection~


I have a really weird history with films– born in the late 80s, you’d think I would’ve grown watching loads of 90s kids stuff, but I actually grew up with a lot of Silly Symphonies (which were released in the 30s) and loads of Disney 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s stuff, plus a lot of more grown up 80s movies. Poltergeist, The Thing, The Fly and The Stuff were particularly scary stuff (and I’m pretty sure I was scared of yogurt or white stuff at some point).

I don’t ever remember buying any original VHS tape, except for the rare birthday gift of a Disney’s Sing-Along Songs chapter or that X-Men tape I have. My first DVDs buys were Coyote Ugly, She’s All That and Loser — you can’t blame me. I was a 15-year-old girl. The collection grew bigger, and possibly exploded during my years abroad. I’m nearing my 500th movie.

This is the first time in my movie-counting life that I’ve seen over 50 movies by the middle of the year. As a general number, I picked 48 a year, to make sure I -at least- watched one film a week for my end of the year list.


There’s a LOT of bad and meh movies so far, but there’s also a decent Top10. Not unbelievable, but decent. It’s a working one that would do for a Dec.31 or Jan.01 publishing date. LOL


Partly translated in English~ but fully in Español at Cinencuentro.