Archives For international


June 15, 2010 — 1 Comment

Hi, China! You rock.

Right next to, there’s – whose name makes little sense to me… apparently it means Dried Shrimps. Huh, right? xD Anyway, seems like it has a pretty collection of Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Western music…

No region restrictions!

Highlights? Which we reviewed and rated on the latest YAM~~~

Just hit the PLAY button there.

Also, big info!

Bibi’s soon-to-be released i.Light.Fish album contains a song written by Diane Warren. *Excited*

Aiya They Didn’t reporting that Chinese fusion singer Sa Dingding and Chris Lee were topping World music downloads on iTunes UK, Switzerland and Belgium prompted me to look them up on iTunes Canada.

And color me surprise, they’ve got the first 3 albums (sans EP) by Bibi! I was also able to find Chris Lee, Han Hong, SHE, Eason Chan, Leehom Wang, among others~~~

Continue Reading…

By Chinese, I mean as a language…

I’ll let Aiya They Didn’t explain…

Taiwan is considering setting up a theme pavilion at MIDEM, the world’s largest music industry trade fair that is held annually in Cannes, France, an official said Tuesday.

Three groups from Taiwan — the Panai-led aboriginal band Message, a band led by award-winning singer and composer Crowd Lu, and 100% rock band led by Mavis Fan– performed at the event Monday night, which was designated as “Taiwan Night.” Describing the groups as marvelous, Lu said that when they performed at the fair for the first time on Jan. 22, the venue was packed to capacity with an audience of about 300. He said the Taiwan Government Information Office (GIO) , which organized the show, may have to find a bigger venue next year.

Of course, I wholeheartedly agree.

In fact, more Asian music should be spread…

In fact, you can start pimping your Asian music with Ellen. Obviously, I had sent my suggestion last week… that turned out to be Crowd Lu’s Oh Yeah! xD I want Ellen to dance to Crowd Lu’s happy music.

And I know Julz want Ellen to be as gay as ever with her fave k-girls… LOL

I used to be a really good moviegoer when I was 17… 18 and 19~ Perhaps catch 1 or 2 films a week… if there was something indie, maybe 3 or 4 films at the cinema! That’s a lot of money. I don’t go to the movies too often, and I wonder why.

1. Peru doesn’t cater to my taste in movies when I want to… where I want to. I would watch Inglorious Basterds, but it hasn’t open here yet. So considering… I would watch it only if it’s really good. Hopefully it will make it before it comes out on DVD in America xD

2. It takes ages for some films to be released, so by the time they’re released I already bought them on DVD, have already watched them as downloads or have already lost interest.

3. They never make it here. Hooray for cable! LOL But sometimes they don’t even make it there.

4. Little to no independent films. It’s always the big studios… Can I re-suggest IndieScreenings? You can read some of my thoughts about it in this YAM issue.

5. 98% of American films in the market. 0.01% of Asia. 1%Europe… 0.03% Canadian~~~ What gives? xD The rest can be whatever… co-productions, etc.

6. I know it’s about the money-making, but how about opening a specialized cinema that shows new independent/foreign releases?

7. Not cinema means I get to watch films when I have the time, not when they want me. I can watch any film at 2am even if theaters are closed. No need to queue or complain about the noisy couple behind you.

Anyway… how do they choose the films to be distributed? And who chooses??? Maybe I should work for a distributor company or something. Maybe we should work with Indie Screenings for a test.

is go international for once and for all.

iTunes is not international. For one, if you’re from Peru (just found this one out, hahahaha) there IS a new iTunes Store Peru, which you can possibly use ONLY with a Peruvian CC. Makes sense that there is a Peru iTunes Store, now that they sell iPhones here. Only BIGGEST problem of them all…


Same with iTunes Argentina, Brazil, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Czech Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Israel, Korea, Kuwait, Lebanon, Malaysia, Mexico, Pakistan, Panama, Philippines, Poland, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela and Vietnam.

Yes, I went through all the stores by country when I found the one from Peru to check that I’m not the only one getting screwed here. What good is something called iTUNES if I can’t get tunes… *rolls eyes*

Then there’s the issue with “only one-region” exclusive download, which could be in either of their country stores and you won’t be able to buy unless you got the cc and billing address from that region.

If Amazon is intelligent and goes international without regional restrictions (meaning no US IP addresses or minding the billing address) they will gain market. Availability is all. iTunes is still more available than Amazon since Amazon only works with a US IP.

Always the same old problem… I was reading about the new, so I visited to test. However, the same with Hulu… other streaming sites and even YouTube, content restrictions. - Not in your Region

And this is why illegal viewing can’t still be overcome.

The other day my friend sent me the Robyn – Cobrastyle link on YouTube, but it turns out that I can’t view any of Robyn’s official video releases, I also couldn’t view the Lady Gaga official releases – I could understand the content restriction on the shows YouTube is showing, but can’t see the point in making music available by regions… bloody stupid.

This is why illegal viewing will continue growing. If you don’t let people see your video due to content region restriction, they will look somewhere else…

Availability in all regions, cross-platform… ubiquitous movies, music… even books, if possible~ x’D Well, maybe I’m going too far with the books, since there’s a base of language and there’d be THAT barrier, but you get my point, right?

For instance, I can’t really remember when was the last time I went to watch a film at the movies, because I either:

  • Have already seen it on DVD
  • Have already waited months for it to be released, and have already lost interest
  • Have never been interested in it

So Amy supports world premieres because she’s impatient. Also, I would fully suport Paypal if they were available in Peru, but no~ They do not support accounts in Peru (That’s why I opened one when I was in Canada). Moreover, I would support other online stores (eg. mp3 stores) but they have region restrictions… some more annoying than others. One of the most annoying is the ‘billing address’ issue… even if I have a Canadian credit card, I would not be able to use their service because I don’t have a physical Canadian address anymore… WHILE I am still able to buy a physical album and ship it here for more or less the same amount of money.

I was also ready to buy shows through BitTorrent, but they support US Only – they ARE nice and professional enough to point it out below the “buy” button, so they won’t waste your time as you try to sign up for a new account there… to then find out you don’t have the right ISP, or you can’t add your credit card, or SORRY, THIS CONTENT IS ONLY AVAILABLE IN SUCH REGION. Ever happened?

So I’m all for movies and music available everywhere at the same time. And you?

Music for Free!?

July 19, 2008 — Leave a comment

Over a year ago, I wrote a lengthy post on downloading stuff with P2P or torrents, as well as legal downloads. In that post I mention I only had 2 legal downloaded albums from iTunes (Canada), and yes… now I probably got a few more (I got two more just a couple of weeks ago), and AM still waiting for Amazon MP3 to go international… is it offering this service already?? I must test for my next digital purchase.

Amazon MP3 is still NOT international.
Amazon MP3 - Not International Yet

Anyway~ do you buy music? Do you support your favorite artist? Continue Reading…

The first part (of 3) of Joss Whedon’s web-thing-series will be up online today. I go there, excited as hell, only to find this.

Dr. Horrible\'s Sing-Along Blog

WTH, man. If you’re in the US, go ahead… watch it! If you have an idea how to work around this issue, let me know!

**EDIT** July 16
Ok, the fangirl in me googled ‘other’ sources for this, and read an article that said that there were some issues with regions. And I was able to see it just now!!! Though my friend claims that he still doesn’t see it…

INSTANT LOVE! Neil Patrick Harris as the villain, I love it! Super geeky, super funny… Nathan Fillion is pretty funny too, but NPH is just TOO funny. xD Can’t wait for episode 2

Dr. Horrible Crashes Servers.

This is the smartest move that can do for its users. (full article here)

We have received thousands of e-mails from Amazon customers around the world asking us when we will make Amazon MP3 available outside of the U.S,

We are excited to tell those customers today that Amazon MP3 is going international this year.

I can’t wait for it.