
Any Isabella is better than no Isabella at all.
Damn, I missed ya, Gaji~ I still miss Seju and all her drama, but Pet Aesthetics (애완의 미학) is as close as it’s gonna get for a while (at least), and I did see what you did there *wink wink nudge nudge* Also, I missed those *badump badump* The art, the aesthetic. Damn it.
I do wonder… are you gonna make me cry? lol
So close to perfect styling, I’m crying. TuT
Silver, pink, dark brown (white balance seems pushed) bop, long dark.
I’m supposed to be focusing on work, LOL. But Mamamoo comeback news, flood of content. Moo tears, everywhere.
No high resolution pictures (yet), but you can check the Girl Group Zone thread for all the BNT pictures.
Well, that was an exciting early morning. I got really hyped 10min. before the pre-orders for Moosical Bluray started because I wasn’t sure I was gonna get a copy, after what people went through while getting Solar’s Emotion. But everything went well, and then I was attacked by Paint Me (칠해줘).
I, obviously, have all the feels. The song DOES get better with replays. It did sound very West power pop ballad to me, which is explained by the fact that the song was composed by Mich Hansen, Peter Wallevik, Daniel Davidsen, Chelcee Grimes, and Kara DioGuardi, who happened to have worked in Christina Aguilera’s Back to Basics, which I loved. What really sold me the song are the lyrics, though. Written by JYP’s Jowul (조울), the structure of the song is telling the story of lovers— the beginning of love, the happiness of being in a relationship, the passion, and the heartbreak, with an abrupt ending that works thematically. It’s also a freaking sexy song, so I won’t lie that I wasn’t thinking that my favorite Kpop MV director, Hwang Soo-ah, should’ve done it. LOL
The song really called for a MV with storyline, but I know Mamamoo’s strengths aren’t on acting (‘Be Normal’ xD) and I also understand that Mamamoo aren’t in the position of not showing their face on their MV yet. But I imagined a very intimate MV with actors xD
I’m really looking forward to what they do in the album, even though I’m not looking forward to Sleep in the Car (잠이라도 자지) [1] AND Paint Me being in the same album [see: making albums].
Having said that— the promo photos. Whee-in, you bias wrecker, you. So I finally decided to put together my favorite era looks for each member ^^ Continue Reading…
My yearly tradition~
(even though I haven’t been writing at all~~~ lol)
I hope I get to be more productive next year.
Happy listening~
I know they do stage mixes cuts, but this is the first time I’ve seen they actually include all ad-libs in a video. Like, the editor thought it was irresistible. And I agree. Music Core this era has had some of my favorite stages; the white outfits and the police outfits, but also the loudest fanchants have been those two presentations.
Also, Mamamoo is doing Zany TV (which is aimed at Latinos), so DOUBLE BLESSED! Latino activities, chuseyo. Peru, chuseyo. I don’t have my Google account linked to YouTube, LOL, but don’t ignore my pleads! I do exist.
ALSO! Solo plans for all four, and more overseas activities. Must setup Mamamoo Fund. WHY LIVE WHEN I HAVE FOUR RADISHES TO MAINTAIN???
Biases, biases everywhere!
I don’t really follow Chae Ri-na, but even she’s super hilarious too! And, damn~ I missed Kahi. And damn~ Narsha the instigator. Damn, Hyori’s variety skills [1][2][3]. Damn, my Family Outing heart. I’ve had so many feels with Hyori’s Comeback -especially Black [MV] with subbed lyrics- and her Comeback Stage at Show Champion. And the crowning of IU, and the looking at the Mamamoo kids.
I had a wild week~
Mamamoo has been delivering all weekend, I’ve been emo all weekend. [I also finished watching Meri Pyaari Bindu, and I was not ready, yo~ Extra emo] I’ve become that kinda fan, tho. LOL The one that finishes work on time for music shows broadcasts, and sets alarms for VLive sessions LOL I’ve set up repeat YouTube playlists and I’ve been checking the charts every few hours. I pre-ordered my double-album (because duh! SUN-BAE-NIM leader-nim said so LOL [truthfully, though, I did that before she said it]), I’m still waiting for it to be shipped (foes of international, farthest away regions) AND I also bought the album on iTunes.
Confession! On teasers and first few listens, Yes I Am [MV] wasn’t my jam. Now it is. It’s kinda how it was with Um Oh Ah Yeh and You’re the Best— those live shows get you going. Have you see the Music Core one? It’s already been subtitled, fan chants and all, BLESSED! Thank you to whoever did that, y’all really take care of us.
AZEGAG, however, damn~ that’s my jam.
There’s different kinds of fans listening to Mamamoo~
Happy 3rd Anniversary, Mamamoo!
Circle of friendship, Moomoos!
I’ve been so emotional this weekend, and got more Emo for the anniversary xD
This helped:
I always give a special shout out to all the people involved in MamamooTrans, who do an incredible job at keeping all non-Korean-speaking iMoomoos up to date. Without them, getting to know Mamamoo would be a thousand times more difficult and not such an amazing ride as it had been so far. VLives, clips, interviews, and most of all, fan meetings. Thank you guys for spoiling us as much as Mamamoo does.
As Mamamoo prepares for their comeback this week [Praise the L0rd! But let them succeed!], I’ve been getting my fix with Moonbyul on IDOT. I’ve been loving the girls in IDOT, but specially Somi and Seulgi and D.ANA. And now their Immortal Song performance, their most recent VLive [Did you guys stay up or woke up earlier for it?]. I am ready for the 22nd.
I already pre-ordered Purple — the double album version, I don’t even know why — so I am ready for it to be released.