Archives For performance

Wild things happened at this year’s Spring Gala. Faye Wong awoke from her hibernation for a performance of What the World Gifted Me (世界赠予我的), which CCTV only has in this pre-recorded video presentation.

Ni Ni showed up in this segment on Wuxi Scenery and National Feelings (无锡景 家国情), showcasing Jiangsu as a province. Ni Ni, and I suppose everyone involved in the segment, were born in Nanjing or other Jiangsu province cities.

However, most shocking and most improved was the unexpected collaboration between Chinese vocalist Zhou Shen (周深), Peruvian opera singer Juan Diego Flores and Peruvian multi-instrumentalist Lucho Quequezana for a remix of Lan Hua Hua (兰花花) and the lyric version of El Condor Pasa for The Condor and the Orchid Flower (山鹰和兰花花).

Many would remember Zhou Shen breaking through pop culture in the 2014 season of The Voice of China (中國好聲音), which led to different hits and numerous inclusions in soundtracks like his first ever Big Fish (大鱼) for the Big Fish & Begonia (大鱼海棠) animated film, which is one of my favorite Chinese animation projects.

I had no idea that Lee Hyori was doing a brand new variety reuniting with Fin.K.L after all these years! I’m almost offended no one in the timeline talked about it. UNbelievable.

Now all I have to do is find the time to sit through several episodes, but I’ve already spoiled myself with all the clips posted on the JTBC channel. Of course, feelings were had.

Also, Lee Hyori, Queen of the Innocent concept xD~

Bless this concept.

It’s been a LONG time since I shared anything here xD… but this sure is memorable. It’s also been a long time since I paid any attention to MTV or the VMAs. I have no idea who was doing what where, but since Missy Elliott just dropped Iconology [YT], there wasn’t a better time to catch up with news.

In a decade of forgettable American/Western mainstream music, and an even more forgettable MTV music era, it’s hard to come up with a magical moment that marked this decade… but this could be IT. It’s not the best in the history of VMAs, but it could be very well the best performance VMA has offered this decade.

Missy was, after all, at the top during the peak MTV performance years. Bless her soul. And bless her love for baby girl Aaliyah.

I haven’t been much of an active moomoo lately coz somebody gotta adult, but I got to watch Hwasa’s meaningful 2nd Win accompanied by her members, which was the most satisfying experience in probably all year watching Mamamoo go through their 4 Seasons 4 Colors project.

What a wonderful way to start promotion cycle for White Wind‘s title gogobebe, which I gotta admit have been replaying more in this M2 Relay Dance version, because it reminds me so much of their Girl Crush video mixed with their Dingo Music performance of Um Oh Ah Yeh. Bless these children.

Also, it may be historic seeing an active girl group member winning the day their group is making a comeback. Mam-moo only.

I thought I might have bought my last Shiina bluray last time, but I guess not? It does look like I might add Shiina Ringo & The Others Dwell: The Air Pocket Zone (椎名林檎と彼奴等の居る真空地帯) [HMV JP] to my collection because I cannot resist.

Zico’s Artist isn’t honestly my favorite track in Television, but damn! It’s probably my favorite live of the album, coz- duh! Live band~ I mean, it’s almost impossible to beat any You Hee-yeol’s Sketchbook (유희열의 스케치북) when competing with a live band, but not even the Sketchbook performance of Anti or the MAMA one top it, because that’s the type of song you listen to at home in the middle of the night at 3-4AM.

Feelings. Feelings were had. Despite this divide of video/screen, I felt that. Faye’s that good. Imagine being there sitting in the PhantaCity studio watching a video of Faye Wong singing Dreams (梦中人) and, all of a sudden, Faye appears on the stage, right there, in front of your eyes. Woah. Shivers down my spine.

Truly a legend.

Damn you, Solar, you making me cry for picking that song for Solar Gamsung. LOL

Like- the song on its own is super sad, but it works well with its video… but the Japanese version? Literally, Nada Sou Sou. xD With the Shamisen, and the goddamn subs in Spanish. ToT

Makes me miss my dad so much.

Me acostumbré a rezarle a la primera estrella, al atardecer miro al cielo y con el corazón lleno te busco. En la tristeza y la alegría, pienso en esa sonrisa; si desde donde te encuentras, me puedes ver, yo viviré creyendo que seguro nos encontraremos algún día.

I honestly don’t have the time to keep up with variety shows on a regular basis, but this showed up on my YT recommendations and I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to watch Leehom on a duet with Han Hong. It gave me goosebumps. I love Shangri-la (心中的日月) on its own original version, but this arrangement for Come Sing with Me (我想和你唱) just gave me the chills.

Han Hong’s voice goes so well with Leehom’s. ToT

Also, DAMN~ I used to not give much for Hebe’s voice, but girl has continued surprising me all decade. I don’t remember her being much of a vocalist, but I’m shooketh with her performance of Angel Devil (魔鬼中的天使). I wonder if she found Julio Iglesias’ not-so-secret microphone stash.

Leehom also got better. Maybe they’re all getting better sound engineers.

You know I’ve been loving Celeb Five‘s variety outing this year. Their Weekly Idol episode has probably extended my life an extra month. My Durian and Jujube face idols~

ANYWAY~ probably because of it, the YouTube algorithm gave me this clip of Lee Hyori performing Bad Girls at the 2013 Mnet 20’s Choice Awards which also features Ahn Young-mi, who -after making her Celeb Five mates do sexy dances – has become my favorite. lol

First of all, this arrangement for Bad Girls make it so much easier to figure out the patch from Monochrome to Black. Also, the performance. Also, Hyori. Blessed. I remember I was so mesmerized with Hyori during this era, I still remember the Comeback Showcase she did fondly. I’m almost mad Hyori went to Jeju to live her hippie life xD lol But bless her.