Archives For olivia thirlby

It wasn’t long ago that Lima got the chance to watch Paris, Je t’Aime – and though the shorts are not perfect, they are very enjoyable. They also had a really nice cast put together that included Natalie Portman, Juliette Binoche, Elijah Wood, Catalina Sandino Moreno, Maggie Gyllenhaal, heck~~ even Ryan Phillippe. LOL… and with an interesting list of directors that included Cuaron, the Coen and Gus Van Sant~~

Apparently, the collection of short films were pretty successful, so as Hollywood does what Hollywood does best~~ Now we’ve got New York, I Love You… and there’s a Teaser because apparently there might be a screening at TIFF. Here it is~~

I was excited about NY, I Love You. I was… but this teaser~~ some of the actors, they’re not on my good list of actors~~ in fact, they are in my list of actors I should skip. LOL’ Though, I’ve probably made exceptions. Anyway, and the music. I like the music… I do. But I thought they could pick tracks less familiar, because at the moment it makes me feel like I put my iPod on shuffle.

Also… 2010, will you be ready for Shanghai, I Love You? Or should that be Shanghai, Wo Ai Ni??? xD

Juno Luv

January 16, 2008 — Leave a comment

Ellen Page - Juno PreggersThe last time I remember writing a review, it was for Golden Compass. This time I must express my luv for Juno… I instantly fell in luvvvv with the film, and we luvvv Diablo Cody for that. Ellen Page was superb as pregnant teen, Juno, though I admit Juno might be a little too smart to end up in shenanigans like that, but that’s besides the point. Ellen Page = Junoness.

Michael Cera is cute as Juno’s sperminator, while Simmons and Janney do great as the parents who don’t freak out… Jennifer Garner and Jason Bateman appear as the couple adopting Juno’s unborn baby. Oh yeah! And I have to mention Valerie Tian as abortion protester/classmate Su-chin (who happens to be from Vancouver, woot woot).

Juno is enjoyable, well acted, and has a rocking soundtrack. It’s a must-watch for people, and it’s a must-have for me! Oh yeah, and how much did all those cute doodling-doodle-dos rock?

I leave you all with a kick-ass interview with Ellen Page from Curve online-mag.