Archives For noomi rapace

Well, we already know that Fincher chose Rooney Mara to be his American/Swedish — really? the accents? — Lisbeth Salander, but I’m still convinced Olivia Thirlby should have been chosen. Why? I just got cracking with the series, which I bought a few months ago… so mind, the Spanish translation.

[…]su investigadora estrella era una chica pálida de una delgadez anoréxica […] Lisbeth era pelirroja, pero se había teñido de negro azabache. Solía dar la impresión de que se acababa de levantar tras haber pasado una semana de orgía con una banda de heavy metal.

En realidad, no tenía problemas de anorexia;  […] Simplemente había nacido delgada, con una delicada estructura ósea que le daba aspecto de niña esbelta de manos finas, tobillos delgados y unos pechos que apenas se adivinaban bajo su ropa. Tenía veinticuatro años, pero aparentaba catorce.

Una boca ancha, una nariz pequeña y unos prominentes pómulos le daban cierto aire oriental. […] Su cuerpo no era el más indicado para triunfar en los desfiles de moda, pero, bien maquillada, un primer plano de su cara podría haberse colocado en cualquier anuncio publicitario […] resultaba … humm… atractiva, de una manera absolutamente incomprensible.

Los hombres que no amaban a las mujeres
8va edición
pg. 50

– on the go translation –

his most important investigator was a pale girl with an anorexic skinniness […] Lisbeth was a redhead, but she had died her hair pitch black. She seemed to have just woken up after a week-long orgy with a heavy metal band.

Truth be told, she didn’t have anorexia problems […] she was simply born skinny, with a delicate bone structure that made her look like a slim girl with fine hands, skinny ankles and breasts you could barely see through her clothing. She was twenty-four years old, but seemed to be fourteen.

A wide mouth, tiny nose and prominent cheekbones gave her an asian/oriental air. […] Her body wasn’t exactly made to triumph in the catwalks, but with good makeup, a close-up of her face could have been used for any ad […] she was… hmmm… attractive, in an absolute incomprehensible way.

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And since we’re talking about remakes of Swedish films, how about an article that says every of-the-moment actress in Hollywood wants to get a Dragon Tattoo. At least according to a post by Deadline.

Every hot young actress in Hollywood wants to play the lead in Sony Pictures’ The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. But will director David Fincher cast one of them — or go with an unknown?

Sony execs insist they’re “nowhere near casting”. But Mulligan, Page, Kristen Stewart, Mia Wasikowska, Natalie Portman, Keira Knightley, Anne Hathaway, Olivia Thirlby, and Scarlett Johannsen are all circling.

You know what I think of Mulligan, Page, and Portman as Lisbeth, but what about the others? Well, about Stewart, I am not convinced about her acting, plus she still has Twilight commitments, meaning she wouldn’t be able to toughen up for the role because… well, then Bella would be all able to kick Edward’s ass. Plus, another series after a series? I don’t think it would be smart as an actress. She should keep it open for a while.

Wasikowska never ever crossed my mind as Lisbeth, she’s so delicate so she would also need to toughen up, and I mean it in the way she needs to gain a little more weight to get some muscle there. But she certainly fits the cute and tiny bill. And please! Keira Knightley is a total pass. WAY too skinny, and she’s not able (according to her) to gain weight, so she wouldn’t be able to get that bad-ass look down. Plus her eyes are dull.

Anne Hathaway is too old, and not the right body type, as is Johansson. Plus, she is known for her curvy body, would she lose that in order to get a bad-ass muscle body? As for Olivia Thirlby, I kinda liked that. She’s not really mainstream… but there’s also the thing about the bad-ass.

And wait for it, wait for it…

On the other hand, they think the male lead does require a star, and the studio is waiting for an answer from Brad Pitt.

Say what? I like Brad and all, but this is exactly what Lainey said would happen.

Can I just say Noomi Rapace is really REALLY bad-ass?

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