Oh, yeah. Amy first saw La Môme, aka La Vie en Rose, back in her trip to Sweden with dear Julyssa. Movie was in French, with Swedish subtitles… Amy speaks neither. LOL’ – so you can imagine. Anyway, that was a sweet little anecdote with the film, but I just got my DVD today, and re-watched it with proper subtitling that I could understood. ^^ xD
Ever since I saw Cotillard in this role, I’ve felt that she’s got Academy Award written all over her face… I mean, come on! She became Piaf!! She, at least! deserves a nomination for Best Actress. Coming award season, she will need a strong campaign so people don’t push her performance to the back of their heads coming the time of nominations… so Amy decides to campaign for her.
The film came out in the first half of the year, and just recently became available on DVD… usually, studios will release heavy awarded films during November and December to stay fresh in the mind of the ones nominating… this is not the case. Most importantly, the film is in French… it’s a powerful performance yes, but apparently languages are a pretty quite no-no for Academy Awards, lol.
I also found this blog with how the race to the Oscar is going… good read. This person mentions Cotillard, and also another fave of mine, Julie Christie for Away from Her.
But to stay on topic, Amy is campaigning for Marion Cotillard. I first saw her,briefly, on the Tim Burton film Big Fish back in early 2000s – Then, I got the amazing chance to see Jeux d’Enfants (aka. Love Me If You Dare) at the cinemas in Vancouver… which is now one of my favorite films, and then she was on The Good Year, starring Russel Crowe. Marion Cotillard does great in this film, she becomes Piaf and gives her audience a powerful wonderful performance.

You can find, use, and help campaigning by posting and using this banners I made. For Your Consideration: Marion Cotillard for Best Actress.