I put together my lists of Top15 Movies, Bottom15 Movies, as well as my Top15 Albums from 2011.
Archives For charlize theron
Fashion and perfume CMs are so pretty, huh? [1][2]
This latest j’Adore Dior CM, which Charlize Theron has been promoting for a while doing those long walks almost naked but not showing anything have been… pretty normal. But this latest one which features Grace Kelly, Dietrich — both look like pretty close impersonators (I’m not even sure! LOL), but Marilyn looks pretty close to the actual Monroe and it looks like it might be footage. I’m not sure either, but it’s just pretty cool hahahaha.
Theron is the long-legged giantess and with those uber high high heels, I don’t even want to think of how tall she must be with those. I love it. LOL
Having said that, does anyone know the legality of using a dead icon’s image to use on a CM?
I love it.
I can’t remember what’s the last film with Theron has been – maybe The Road?
And I dunno if it’s me… I usually love Black and White, but this time I prefer the color. O.o
More – definitely more photos at Fashiontography.
For French Elle.
I don’t know why I have always had the impression that Charlize Theron is a giantess. She seems like she could easily be 1.80m, but alas~~~ her IMDb says she’s shorter than that. I also never knew Uma Thurman was so tall. LOL
Bigger and more shots at Fashiontography~
As always, I think I’m a little off with the guys. O.o
I feel the list is a bit uninspiring, LOL
check it out yourself~~~
Time for a new Top by Amy! This time Top 5 Light Elements, where the best favorite pictures featuring amazing light flares, lens flares, amazing sunlight, amazing stage lights and amazing light shapes~~~ Continue Reading…