I started listening to Chen Weilun (陈伟伦)’s album, Think Miss Sorrow (念思愁), which just came out last week. While adding it to my iTunes library, it struck me how difficult it was to translate the song names. xD
For those who don’t know because you’ve just stumble upon this post, I usually keep a very organized library of foreign music, which includes ‘Original Name (romanization) – English Name/Translation’; so I was looking if there were official English titles for the songs on Chen Weilun’s album available on Xiami, KKBox or iNDIEVOX. There were not. On my search, already on title #3, I realized they were all titles (or most are, I haven’t gone through all of them yet xDDDDD) for Li Qingzhao (李清照), who is known as the greatest Chinese female poet of the Song Dynasty, mostly for her ci (词)/lyrics form of poetry [1][2].

So this is going to be a (hopefully brief) project to translate just the song names xDDDDDDDD
- 一剪梅·红藕香残玉簟秋
A Twig of Plum Blossoms: The Jade-like Mat Feels Autumn’s Cold [1][2]
- 念奴娇·春情
The Charm of Nien-nu: Spring Feelings [1][2]
- 如梦令·常记溪亭日暮
Like a Dream: I Will Always Recall that Day at Dusk, the Pavilion by the Creek [1][2]
- 相见欢·无言独上西楼
Happy Meeting: Wordless, A Lone Ascend Up the West Tower [1][2]
- 浪淘沙令·帘外雨潺潺
Waves Against Sand: As the Rain Patters Outside the Drapes [1][2][3]
- 声声慢·寻寻觅觅
The Sounds of Adagio: Searching and Searching [1]
- 渔家傲·秋思
Fisherman’s Pride: Autumn Thoughts [1][2]
- 行香子·述怀
Incense Burning: Describing my Emotions [1][2]
I only got three so far. xD
— September 22nd 2017 —