Archives For yu aoi

Yu Meets Right On~

September 14, 2012 — 1 Comment

So Yu-chan has short hair for reals! She sports her new look in the new commercial for Right On and everyone is tweeting the hashtag #yumeetsrighton (if you’re interested in checking it out).

Yu is also all over the 2012 Fall/Winter catalog for the company xD, and she’ll also be sporting this new look in the cover issue of November 2012 of Mina Magazine.

The Right On YouTube channel also has a brief “interview” with Yu, as well as a short Making Of the CM. You can also browse their website~

Soooooo, story of my life. The Shunji Iwai Vampire interview was supposed to begin at 9pm, which means I decided to stay up all the way into 7am my timezone to catch the interview… the problem was I fell asleep well into the 30min. mark with Iwai-san arriving  just a few minutes later.

So I missed the whole thing. LOL

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So I’m just picking up things whenever people mention Yu-chan on the blogosphere, especially when they are as funny as this variety segment. I mean, it contains this sequence! xD

Cheap GIF, I know. But it can persuade you to watch the Tudou clip, right? Btw, if any of you have trouble watching things from Tudou, it seems that using and actually downloading the video works faster than their player for some reason.
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So this was posted AGES ago, thought that I would post since some fan was kind enough to have translated Yu-chan’s answers (and we almost never get that).

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Very Japanese Trailer of you, Tokyo Kazoku xD

Though, no sign of Yu-chan.

I mean, it makes sense it’s only like 10 seconds of actual footage xD the film began shooting just short of two months ago. We still got a long wait ahead of us… Having said that, I think my Japanese drama language will work out for me with this one, so I just have to wait for a DVD and not actual subtitles xD

Has anyone noticed that there’s so many un-subbed Japanese movies as of lately? Like, every time there’s a movie worth-watching~ SORRY, NO SUBS! And since the dismissal of upload sites, there’s been a lot of non-fansub activity.

Are all you fansubbers hiding from me???

Of course, it’s Yu’s birthday, (She is 27 now!!!) and my Weibo timeline was flooded with Yu-chan photos all this time wishing her a happy birthday. xD

Anyway, one of the pics was this one of Yu with her Canon-sisters Yamada Yu and Kaho, birthday cake, candles, and all.

Isn’t Weibo the BEST?

お誕生日おめでとう、蒼井優! made a video titled 135 Shots That Will Restore Your Faith in Cinema, after asking their readers what were “the most beautiful movies ever made.” The result is okay, I guess. I still don’t think that I’m as moved by Terrence Malick films as others are…

There was also some Zhang Yimou and Wong Kar-wai added in there, alongside Darren Aronofsky’s The Fountain — which was one of my picks for most iconic movie images. xD

In any case, there was some Noboru Shinoda (and therefore, Shunji Iwai) missing. The Hana & Alice ballet scene [1], just as Love Letter, as well as EVERYTHING on Picnic [1], and every single frame in All About Lily Chou Chou — they’re all perfect. LOL

Yup. I finally bought Kyou, Konogoro (今日、このごろ。) — roughly translated to Nowadays, Lately. — which I had put off getting for years AND YEARS because… there’s a lot of text. But, damn. I was seriously missing out. There’s not many photos for the book, but there’s TONS of goodies for Yu-chan fans. A LOT of information (movie facts about Yu’s shooting projects, dates, movie suggestions, books she’s given or received, a sorta detailed work around to some of the magazine work she’s done, etc.) — In short, loads of great information for her Wikipedia page. xD

Having to tell you that my Chinese Mandarin classes are paying off for the Japanese reading. Ha! I’m just gonna have to go through all the text bit by bit. Coz seriously, there’s a lot.

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I know I have been a very bad Yu Aoi fan. First off, I had only a faint idea she was going to release a new photobook via HMV Japan, but since her website didn’t mention a thing, I didn’t think it was such a big deal. In any case, I ran into some of the photographs in my daily runs through Weibo — and voila!

I thought I should buy it. xD

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I generally don’t talk about celebrities’ personal lives — oh, who am I kidding? I love gossip. I used to spend hours reading gossip blogs until I realized how much time I wasted. LOL

It started over the course of these few days when Yu Aoi searches spiked — once again — so I went on my customary search when that happens. And voila~

I don’t think I’ve ever stuck to a specific individual fandom long enough to actually see this kind of thing happen before, so since this is a first of a confirmed relationship from Yu-chan [blog] [1] [screencap], I guess I gotta sorta document it for my future Wiki update [1]. LOL

Yu-chan is in a relationship with actor Suzuki Kosuke. Omedetou! Throw the confetti!

Sorry for the really bad graphic. But I didn’t wanna put one picture next tot he other coz then I would mistake it for a collaboration graphic. xD

After a couple of strongly-rumored-but-ultimately-never-bluntly-confirmed guys, Yu-chan and Suzuki-san have both announced it on their blogs. Nah-huh, can’t get more confirmation than that one. It beats the sneaking around, huh? Good for her.