Archives For Motion

So just a few minutes ago, I put on my Hana & Alice DVD, because I felt like watching something silly about nothing at all… meaning it couldn’t be a film, because I would have to pay close attention to it. This is my 2nd time watching the Making Of, and it’s serious but kinda funny. Well, apparently Japanese edition, and Taiwan edition have different Making Of’s – Well, I only could find clips on them on YouTube (JapPart9, JapPart15, TwClip) – the Japanese ones are pretty funny…

I’m trying to rip a clip of my own, but it seems to take forever without SmartRipper. LOL’ Will get back to you with that later on this post… in the meantime – Well, just wait!

Marit… but I want more. xD

Are you listening to Marit’s songs? She just released This is Me, This is You on her MySpace, and there’s a new video…  Marit Larsen!! Sin nya singel!! xD “I’ve Heard your Love Songs”

Kawaii desuNE! xD

I don’t get NBC (not anymore since 2000, I think), so I just watched. Did you watch? Amy Poehler is always Hillary Clinton’s gold, but Tina Fey just nailed Sarah Palin. LOL’ Just watch the clip~

[iframe src=”” width=”100%” height=”400″]

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Rejoice! After a few years absent from the music scene (at least mine…), Korean musician Seo Taiji (서태지) is back with a new single… and and new album, of course! Oh yeah, and a new video… ;)

I remember that my friend Jenny, back in DD school… she sent me Seo Taiji mp3s (See! Thank Kamisama for mp3 transfers), and I was instantly hooked. I was surprised to know that my other Korean friend was also a fan, because these two friends couldn’t be more different xD Anyway, Just about a year ago, I ended up buying his 7th album Issues, which is now out-of-stock in YesAsia.

I don’t know when the full new album will be out, but I’ll keep my ear open. xD Gosh, so many releases now~~ Luckily, Amy does not buy Singles~~~ I’ve only bought EPs, but not Singles, not yet. xD

Okay… did any of you ended up thinking this was missing something? For sure, and improvement from last year.

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Because I did. Malditos promotores! How on earth am I supposed to find out people are coming if you don’t bombard me with printed stuff on magazines, newspapers, cable commercials, or even a pityful data addition at Eventful. Continue Reading…

This might be old news to some, but it’s news to me… and the more people blog about it, the better~ I just read over at Marit’s MySpace that her 2nd studio album as a solo is almost done and that it will be called “The Chase”. The first single is already up on her profile, and it’s called “If a Song Could Get Me You“.

I love her music! So head over there and give it a listen if you haven’t heard her music~ Such a fusion of magical sounding pop with a folk countrish vibe. She’s got an innocent sweet soudning voice that mixes well~~ xD And you know, her last album (her solo debut, “Under the Surface”) was great… and even too short an album! Whenever I put it on my disc player, I have to repeat it at least 3 times. xD

Anyway~~~ to top it all off, Marit has also posted 3 home-made video versions of the song… one on the train, the other on a green grocery store, and one last walking through escalators in a subway station.

It wasn’t long ago that Lima got the chance to watch Paris, Je t’Aime – and though the shorts are not perfect, they are very enjoyable. They also had a really nice cast put together that included Natalie Portman, Juliette Binoche, Elijah Wood, Catalina Sandino Moreno, Maggie Gyllenhaal, heck~~ even Ryan Phillippe. LOL… and with an interesting list of directors that included Cuaron, the Coen and Gus Van Sant~~

Apparently, the collection of short films were pretty successful, so as Hollywood does what Hollywood does best~~ Now we’ve got New York, I Love You… and there’s a Teaser because apparently there might be a screening at TIFF. Here it is~~

I was excited about NY, I Love You. I was… but this teaser~~ some of the actors, they’re not on my good list of actors~~ in fact, they are in my list of actors I should skip. LOL’ Though, I’ve probably made exceptions. Anyway, and the music. I like the music… I do. But I thought they could pick tracks less familiar, because at the moment it makes me feel like I put my iPod on shuffle.

Also… 2010, will you be ready for Shanghai, I Love You? Or should that be Shanghai, Wo Ai Ni??? xD

We (meaning me) interrupt your Olympic and Photobooks posts (finally) to report that Korean-American comedian Margaret Cho’s VH1 reality show, The Cho Show, will be premiering next week on VH1 (America, obviously… I’ll just have to find it online), Thursdays at 11pm.

Lucky for us… has a full ‘sneak peek’ of the first episode, Korean of the Year, where Cho battles the idea of accepting or not the award of Korean of the Year… The episode is divided into 4 parts, no commercial breaks~~~ I think the parts I laughed the most were Part 3 and 4.

If you don’t know who Margaret Cho is, what the hell is wrong with you? xD Cho is one of the funniest people I’ve heard, though her humor might not be for everyone… she’s funny once you get used to. I first discovered her by watching a YouTube link to her comedy act, I’m the One that I Want ~~~ xD

I just love Margaret’s parents~~~ and her imitation of her mother! xD

Sarah Brightman was the sh!t performing… Okay, Liu Huan sang pretty good too, but the attire, man~~~ He was so underdressed – Brightman, on the other hand, was STUNNING. The song is oh so very Chinese feeling ballad, betcha it’s not for everyone’s taste, but I betcha people are looking for lyrics…

Bear with me! First pinyin lyrics, EVER. I’ve got a secret tool, will post on that later! I’ve also got videos to post~~ The Live performance, and the official music video (aka [MV] or [PV])… pick you poison and begin singing.

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