My IMDb Ignore List is Getting Out of Control

November 27, 2010 — 4 Comments

Seriously… it’s 3 times this long.

IMDb needs to figure out a way to handle their forum activity. Either by a voting up comments system, and / or a way to gather points a la Intense Debate.

4 responses to My IMDb Ignore List is Getting Out of Control

  1. Ahaha that's insane! I don't spend all that much time on IMDb so my list has only like 6 people.

    • I usually don’t discuss much movies there (ironic), I generally talk about tv shows… or rare movies. However, for the past year, I have been reading more than participating. There’s just too many trolls… and it doesn’t matter how many you ignore – they keep multiplying.

      And all of those users are “this movie/show/actor sucks” topic starters that have just usually created the accounts just to say it.

  2. I have 162 people on my ignore list at IMDB. 162! Why? Because I found a lot of them very aggressive, nasty, and unreasonable (there’s even one troll who insists on attacking me because I stand up for something I like that he hates with a passion and tries to push something that I don’t like on me as the “better”, “perfect” version. I hate people like that.

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