Fanart Posters for Nora Noh Docu

August 24, 2014 — Leave a comment

Last night, I got the chance to watch a Nora Noh documentary, simply titled Nora Noh. She is Korea’s first fashion designer to ever put on a fashion show in the country. There were some highlight comments, like when Seo Eun-young points out all these Korean celebrities are trying to ride the Korean Wave, when the wave has already been ridden by Nora. Way back when there was no wave.

There was also the comment on Korean pedigree when paying foreign creative directors, makeup artists, photographers, models, etc. more just for being foreign, when they all have talented people in Korea.

I need to gather my thoughts~

And though the docu has an official poster, I played around with some photos… because I got my computer back.


That would be… a triple poster~

I preferred the single sketch poster (3), I think.

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