Archives For hebe tien

I can’t believe Ella got married. I mean, I can believe that Selina would — I had a whole year to realize that — but, YOU KNOW, it was Ella. Did you think Ella would be getting married? In any case, did you think Ella wouldn’t be the last one getting married?

The more you know~

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2011 Tops and Bottoms~

April 15, 2012 — 1 Comment

I put together my lists of Top15 Movies, Bottom15 Movies, as well as my Top15 Albums from 2011.

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My feet are killing me… again, and we just did the famous Taipei 101 building that has the fastest elevator in the world — the Guinness World Record says so — clocking at about 1km per minute or 60kmph.

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You know you spend too much checking out the Cpop music scene when you look at this and think it’s the funniest thing ever because it’s so true.

I wasn’t/still not a big fan of S.H.E but I gotta admit I’ve warmed up to them, and I guess that comes from my liking of Hebe’s solo albums, which I gotta admit surprised me a lot more.

I used to — still — find Ella the most entertaining. I’ve never seen her acting, but when I catch S.H.E MVs or clips, she always cracks me up. Her face just crack me up, looking at these pictures cracks me up. That girl is hilarious.

Then there was Hebe~~~ hahahahahaha.

Am I starting a series? Nah… I don’t think I can come up with a Jpop list xD

Unlike the Kpop list which it focused 99% of the time on dance pop friendly tracks that went beyond American commercial pop, this “Cpop” list is… not really pop.

Popular music in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Mainland China (but mostly Taiwan) tends to be pop/rockish flare. Sure there are dance pop friendly, but even they have moved or are moving more towards pop/rock. They also love indie flavor, and accept not particularly attractiveness in their idols… even though there are some very good looking people who are immensely popular.

To be completely honest, compared to Korea’s pop music charts, Chinese music charts have a broad variety. But then again, compared to Japan’s pop music charts (which is comprised of AKB48 and Arashi xD), even Kpop charts (mostly 2NE1 and Big Bang now that DBSK is gone) seem to have some variety. xD

So this list of great Chinese music includes varying genres from R&B, pop/rock… more rockish, ballads (regular and of the indie type), etc. once again listed by year of release.

Again, it’s a bit weak on the earlier years… but you are welcome to make suggestions (for any year). A few guidelines would be that they cannot be too indie (I couldn’t fit Cheer Cheen or Mavis Fan in the list because they don’t feel completely pop, if you know what I mean), must include MVs (so songs released as singles), not older than late 90s.

Also… song must work as MV too. So no awesome songs but tacky videos. Sorry.

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YouTube link.

What do you like about the Cpop industry?

Who are your fave artists?

Once again, if you were subscribed to the YAM Magazine RSS Feed, you would know about this two-part post with LGBT music videos from around the world.

Also, you probably missed our LGBT Blogathon, didn’t you???


Jul 25

Do You Know Your Asians?

Lainey does not have a grandma named Mrs. Wong.

See, even us Asians can’t tell their Asians apart. As I said in the last post, it was the 16th anniversary of the restaurant. We went to eat meat… loads of meat, which was also bad for my jaw.

Anyway, it was a big ass table, so I sat next to my cousin. We got to talking about school, music, economy, eco solutions, and stupid people, among other topics, like Japanese, Korean and Chinese. I told them it was getting harder to tell each apart because everyone is getting a slicker style. However, my cousin was proud to admit that he could tell them apart, which I refused to believe~~

I asked him once again, Continue Reading…