Archives For Photographs

Gravity Free Cup by Xu54

September 3, 2010 — 2 Comments

Ahhh… thank you, Inception xD

Check it out fully here.

I read a post about Polvos Azules in Spanish, that I thought I should translate into English and share. Titled Una Visita a Polvos Azules, by Edmundo Paz Soldan from

What is Polvos Azules, you say? Meaning Blue Dusts (as in numbers of types of dust). I’ll let Edmundo explain his experience here in Lima. Also, pointing out… it’s not like I endorse paying for counterfeit merchandise. LOL Just saying, and covering my basis.

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I actually had a lot of fun watching the beginning of the show, and seeing all those new winners… at least in the comedy categories… like Jim Parsons winning Best Comedy Actor – more than well-deserved – Eric Stonestreet for Best Comedic Supporting and easily one of the best thing out of Modern Family – which also won Best Comedy, ahead of Glee… who ended up winning Jane Lynch for Best Supporting, and Ryan Murphy for directing — I’m imagining Murphy won Best Comedy for his work on The WB’s Popular, Mmmmkay?

In the Drama categories, I was a little less satisfied… but since Drama is my thing, they are worthy winners – I’m sure. Though, Michael C. Hall winning for Dexter in Best Actor would have made my month. GAWD! I’m still waiting for Dexter to win some mayor award like Best Drama. After the first season, the fourth season was the best. How I wished they had won.

But okay, ’nuff of winners. [see the list here] Fallon, I must admit… wasn’t as hate-inducing as he is. I actually laughed in some bits of the ceremony. But then I got tired again xD I actually stopped watching the last 30min, until Mad Men and Modern Family were announced as the Best of TV last season.

But here you go~ I’m sure it will be gone by the morning xD

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I was thinking of adding a new set of posts highlighting good casting on films. It’s not about picking the greatest actor for a part… I mean, picking Meryl Streep for any role is not really “good casting”, it’s just that Meryl is that good — and to quote Cam on Modern Family… Meryl Streep can be Batman and be the right choice. Those are just things that simply are.

But this is more about picking the right actors to make an on-screen family, or actors that look the part for historical figures, or casting actors to play characters in different periods of their lives… and the likes.

So here we are with the troublesome film Die Päpstin, or Pope Joan — whatever your thoughts they may be on the film. How Telenovela it was, or how Pope Joan aged, but no one else did. LOL The most striking thing on the film, besides actress  Johanna Wokalek’s face as she was getting her Pope-powder on, was the resemblance between Johanna (the character) aged 10-14 played by Lotte Flack, and grown-up Johanna played by Wokalek.

With casting by Anja Dihrberg and Toby Whale.

My mom thought they were real-life sisters xD

Well, we already know that Fincher chose Rooney Mara to be his American/Swedish — really? the accents? — Lisbeth Salander, but I’m still convinced Olivia Thirlby should have been chosen. Why? I just got cracking with the series, which I bought a few months ago… so mind, the Spanish translation.

[…]su investigadora estrella era una chica pálida de una delgadez anoréxica […] Lisbeth era pelirroja, pero se había teñido de negro azabache. Solía dar la impresión de que se acababa de levantar tras haber pasado una semana de orgía con una banda de heavy metal.

En realidad, no tenía problemas de anorexia;  […] Simplemente había nacido delgada, con una delicada estructura ósea que le daba aspecto de niña esbelta de manos finas, tobillos delgados y unos pechos que apenas se adivinaban bajo su ropa. Tenía veinticuatro años, pero aparentaba catorce.

Una boca ancha, una nariz pequeña y unos prominentes pómulos le daban cierto aire oriental. […] Su cuerpo no era el más indicado para triunfar en los desfiles de moda, pero, bien maquillada, un primer plano de su cara podría haberse colocado en cualquier anuncio publicitario […] resultaba … humm… atractiva, de una manera absolutamente incomprensible.

Los hombres que no amaban a las mujeres
8va edición
pg. 50

– on the go translation –

his most important investigator was a pale girl with an anorexic skinniness […] Lisbeth was a redhead, but she had died her hair pitch black. She seemed to have just woken up after a week-long orgy with a heavy metal band.

Truth be told, she didn’t have anorexia problems […] she was simply born skinny, with a delicate bone structure that made her look like a slim girl with fine hands, skinny ankles and breasts you could barely see through her clothing. She was twenty-four years old, but seemed to be fourteen.

A wide mouth, tiny nose and prominent cheekbones gave her an asian/oriental air. […] Her body wasn’t exactly made to triumph in the catwalks, but with good makeup, a close-up of her face could have been used for any ad […] she was… hmmm… attractive, in an absolute incomprehensible way.

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Billy, We Love You

August 27, 2010 — Leave a comment

David Yost came out of the closet with an interview and a shoot for the NOH8 Campaign.

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Women in Boy Style

August 23, 2010 — 1 Comment

Hi, AfterEllen has a post on women in Boy Style. Ahhh Boy Style [1],  I gotta admit dude… wearing slacks and shirts, it’s just so much more comfy than having to wear some dress with high heels.

And yes, Christina Hendricks is pretty awesome.

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A great set by Ben Heine combining photographs with his “doodles” or the other way around.

Pencil Vs Camera - 12

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Work Time Again!

August 19, 2010 — 2 Comments

After many hours installing drivers, which I shouldn’t be spending time on… because, well – I have other important software to install. I think I am finally operational. It seems… even though the Intel Audio Bus Driver or whatever it’s called still won’t install properly. But I have audio, so I dunno what that’s about.

Happy place~ Happy, Happy~~~

Flying carpet

Anyway, I’m already late for zzzzzleeping. Got an early show for From Paris with Love. I don’t know anything about the movie, except for the actors… so I might actually have a good time. xD

Ahhh… the dreadful formatting time. It’s been like 4 years since I last cleaned up my hard drive and did a clean install. Decided to do one because my computer has been sluggish… and since I did those updates to my drivers, it’s been wonky in the video and sound department too.

Lucky for me, now 95% of my stuff was already in an external hard drive, so all I needed to do was migrate all my video files (over 20 Gb)… which took like 2hrs, but it beats burning 5 DVDs for backup. Now let’s hope my Windows copy is still good for use, as well as my other software.

Modern day kitty gets the mouse!

Multiple blogging will possibly remain non-existent until I get this old comp back online… which I hope happens tomorrow, because I will get behind with work. Ah… so computer dependent xD