First Look at Burton’s Alice

June 22, 2009 — Leave a comment

*passes out*
this just in (okay, maybe a few hrs. ago) via InsidetheGold

To just break off a little of all the Japanese films on the front page~~ xD

Tim Burton - Alice in Wonderland - Red Queen

First, I must tell you. These are fantastic, and now I’m just dying to see it. Even more so than when I wrote my brief article on horrorific films~~~ Bonham Carter looks abso-bloody-lutely crazy  good on that with the big head… the eyebrows or lack thereof, the lips, the hair… and that look, man!

Tim Burton - Alice in Wonderland

Tim Burton - Alice in Wonderland

Tim Burton - Alice in Wonderland

Tim Burton - Alice in Wonderland - Mad Hatter

Tim Burton - Alice in Wonderland - White Queen

is it just me, or is Johnny looking very Elijah Wood right there??? LOL

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